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subscription and info about ports from franzlisp to excl

Message-id: <3193>
Date: FRI, 21-OCT-88 12:51 N
Reply-To: <BRAJNIK%UDUNIV.INFNET@ICINECA2.BITNET>  (alternate reply)
Subject: subscription and info about ports from franzlisp to excl
X-Original-To:  @exclforum, BRAJNIK


We recently have bought the ExCL 3.0 running on a sun3, unix 3.2.

I would like to know if anybody has ever thought of porting Genesereth's
MetaReasoningSystem (MRS) from Franz lisp to ExCL (or other common lisps).

I would also like to be included in your (electronic) mailing list.

Thank you.

                                Giorgio Brajnik

                                Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica
                                Universita' di Udine
                                Via Zanon, 6
                                I-33100 UDINE - ITALY

                                ph: (432) 29.57.16
                                email: BRAJNIK%UDUNIV.INFNET@ICINECA2.BITNET