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VTxxx madness
- Subject: VTxxx madness
- From: Mark Crispin <MRC%PANDA@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA>
- Date: Wed 9 Apr 86 01:33:33-PST
- Phone: +1 (415) 968-1052
- Postal-address: 1802 Hackett Ave.; Mountain View, CA 94043-4431
Folks -
In modern versions of TOPS-20 there are now the following forms
of VT100 terminal types defined by DEC:
. VT100 basic VT100
. VT102 VT100 with advanced video (24 lines in 132 column mode,
can mix character highlight modes) and printer port
(includes insert/delete mode)
. VT125 VT100 with graphics engine, can't disable Auto XON/XOFF
. VT131 VT102 plus buffer and hardware flow control, I think you
can disable Auto XON/XOFF on this one
. VT132 reputed to be functionally the same as a VT131.
. VT200 DEC's latest generation
The problem is, EMACS only defines types for VT100 and VT132. There
doesn't seem to be any way to have multiple terminal type codes for the
same EMACS type. I think it would work to have VT102 = VT131 = VT132 =
VT200 = ANSI. Would this be hard to put into the next version of EMACS?
It would also be nice if there was a single assembly switch which
disabled all padding and also disabled EMACS' trapping of XON/XOFF.