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I was looking through some code in NILCOM and was annoyed to see
things like (PRINC '|message|) instead of (PRINC "message").  Why
don't you define a macro like the following one:

(setsyntax '/" 'macro #'(lambda ()
    (do ((string () (cons character string))
	 (character (tyi) (tyi)))
	((= character 34.) `(quote ,(maknam (nreverse string))))
	(cond ((= character 47.) (setq character (tyi)))) )))

or maybe

(setsyntax '/" 'macro #'(lambda ()
    (do ((string () (cons character string))
	 (character (tyi) (tyi)))
	((= character 34.)
	 (setq string (maknam (nreverse string)))
	 (set string string))
	(cond ((= character 47.) (setq character (tyi)))) )))

Then in NIL (and the LISPM) you'd get strings when you wanted strings, and
only in MACLISP would you get atoms when you meant strings.