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Joke of the century.
- Subject: Joke of the century.
- From: George J. Carrette <GJC at MIT-MC>
- Date: Sun, 25 Oct 81 17:48:00 GMT
- Original-date: 25 October 1981 13:48-EDT
The implementation of strings and bitvectors in Maclisp is a joke.
I brought up the NIL READer in maclisp to use as a Macro32 parser,
and the damn thing runs 138 times slower than it does in real VAX NIL.
If it were only 2 times slower it would be usable, but 138 times,
that is absurd. For a 297 calls to +TYI there were 1297 calls to
SI:CHECK-TYPER, 936 calls to PTR-TYPEP, 936 calls to BITSP,
828 calls to STR:CHARACTER-VALUEP, 828 calls to *:FIXNUM-TO-CHARACTER,
714 calls to CHAR-CODE, 645 calls to +INTERNAL-CHAR-N, 469 calls to
468 calls to SI:CHECK-SUBSEQUENCER, 468 to BITS-LENGTH, 468 to BIT,
360 to +INTERNAL-RPLACHAR-N, all for only 60 calls to READ-TOKEN.
There are just three functions that need to be fast, which make
up the inner loop of the finite state machine, I wonder if there
is a good way to get at the primitives to hand code them?
(defun si:inch-by-mask-into-string (stream bits string offset)
;; Maclisp conditionalized for using +TYI.
(do ((n (string-length string))
((= offset n) offset)
(setq c (+tyi stream))
(rplachar string offset (code-char c))
(if (bit1p bits c)
(return offset)
(setq offset (1+ offset)))))
(defun si:inch-by-not-mask (stream bits)
(do ((c))
(setq c (+tyi stream))
(cond ((= c -1) (*throw 'si:read-eof ()))
((not (bit1p bits c))
(return (code-char c))))))
(defun si:translate-string-subseq (translations string offset length)
(do ((j 0 (1+ j)))
((= j length) string)
(rplachar string (+ j offset)
(char translations (char-code (char string (+ j offset)))))))