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your STRING gripes

The following two bugs were due to a fence-post-at-0-count error
in STRING-REPLACE (now fixed in STRING 165):
    Date: 31 August 1981 14:34-EDT
    From: William G. Dubuque <WGD at MIT-MC>
    (STRING-SUBSEQ "FOO" 0 0) => error, why not "" ??
    Date: 24 August 1981 13:25-EDT
    From: William G. Dubuque <WGD at MIT-MC>
    (string-subseq "a" 0 0) will get an error from string-replace while
    trying (string-replace "" "a" 0 0 0) 

Following fence-post bug is also fixed now in STRING-MISMATCHQ
    Date: 30 August 1981 23:22-EDT
    From: William G. Dubuque <WGD at MIT-MC>
    (STRING-MISMATCHQ "SI" "SI:FOO") => () ?
    Shouldn't the latter also be 2 ?

Following was due to a bug in the open-compilation of FIXNUMP (as opposed 
to FIXP), which was fixed before the current COMPLR was dumped.
    Date: 25 August 1981 07:23-EDT
    From: William G. Dubuque <WGD at MIT-MC>
    (set-string-length "abc" 2) gives an error. It appears that the compilation
    of the (<= 0 new-length old-length) has been optimized into () by COMPLR.
Actualy, to losing clause was the (FIXNUMP new-length) just before that.