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    Date: Sun ,14 Sep 80 01:13:00 EDT
    From: XCONOS at MIT-AI (Alec Destry)
    To: (BUG LISPM) at MIT-AI

    In system 40.1, with microcode 684, on LISP Machine Six:

    ;;When evaluated will work fine but when compiled will halt the machine
    (defun foo()
      (*catch 'bar ;;this must be here for the machine to halt.
          (do ()(())
    	(multiple-value (a b)
    	  (*catch 'baz (return nil))))))

I believe this compiles into instructions which are not yet implemented,
having to do with reformatting the stack in complicated ways.  Don't expect
this to work any time soon, it is difficult and doesn't seem to be seriously
hampering any users and consequently is very low priority.