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- Subject:
- From: JIM@MIT-MC
- Date: Sun ,7 Jan 80 23:16:00 EDT
I don't even care how to think I got those last two BIGNUMs but I'm pretty
sure that this case loses.
;;; -*- package:user ; ibase:8. ; base:8 -*-
;;; I have tried loading this file into a Cold-booted LISPM
;;; (cadr-1, System 34.1, Micro-Code 678)
(setq first_num -13632207225355633337553675402343113760)
(setq second_num 2470889258789062500.)
(\ first_num second_num)
(\ (abs first_num) second_num)
;;; I don't know where this came from anymore.........
;(setq base 10. ibase 10.)
;(setq erroneous_bug_1 -1914869973288837242889404296875000.)
;(setq erroneous_bug_2 1235444629394531250.)
;(\ erroneous_bug_1 erroneous_bug_2)
;(\ (abs erroneous_bug_1) (abs erroneous_bug_2))