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    Date: Thu ,5 Jun 80 08:03:00 EDT
    From: JLK at MIT-AI (John L. Kulp)
    To: (BUG LISPM) at MIT-AI

    In system Macsyma 27.6, with microcode 667, on LISP Machine One:

    H's WORM program no longer works (it gets hung up with the wholine saying
    "Background Process").  Selecting the background process window and typing
    at it doesn't seem to do anything interesting.  This was a nice demo...

I fixed some software rots in WORM and WORM6 and made them work in the
new window system (only).  I didn't do WORM7, someone should do it the
next time they are on a color machine and feel like doing something.
If we're really going to save this program and should be recoded and made
not to have 3 copies of itself.