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In system 26.3, with microcode 618, on LISP Machine Two:
The ZWEI text mode, the command M-Q (Fill or Adjust Paragraph) doesn't know
that the paragraph's over when there's a period in column 1.  This causes
it to create a huge mess of a paragraph over some random large chunk of a file
rather than just justifying the paragraph.  For example, with the cursor at "_":

.c Start
.ablock 4
.sp 2
In system 26.3, with microcode 618, on LISP Machine Two:
The ZWEI text mode, the command M-Q (Fill or Adjust Paragraph) doesn't know
that the paragraph's over when there's a period in column 1.  This causes
it to create a huge mess of a paragraph over some random large chunk of a file
rather than just justifying the paragraph.  For example, with the cursor at "_":
.sp 2
More text here in a new paragraph.
.sp 1
.c End 

.c Start
.ablock 4
.sp 2 In system 26.3, with microcode 618, on LISP Machine Two: The ZWEI
text mode, the command M-Q (Fill or Adjust Paragraph) doesn't know that
the paragraph's over when there's a period in column 1.  This causes it
to create a huge mess of a paragraph over some random large chunk of a
file rather than just justifying the paragraph.  For example, with the
cursor at "_": .sp 2
More text here in a new paragraph.
.sp 1
.c End