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1) there were two disk errors on Cadr-3 on 6/27
    The first was on unit 0 cyl 1 surf 17. sec 3.
    The second was on unit 0 cyl 2 surf 1 sec 10.
    there was one previous disk error on 6/21
      on unit 0 cyl 2 surf 0 sec 8.

2)  Cadr-3 managed to wedge itself irretrievably while
attempting to read a file into the editor.  It had succeeded in
reading the file into the machine, but was only part way through displaying
the file in the editor window when it wedged.  A warm boot had no effect.

3)  Cadr-3 also managed to wedge itself irretrievably while reading
an image file from the 10.