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compiling DEFCOMs
- To: Eugene C. Ciccarelli <ECC at MIT-AI>
- Subject: compiling DEFCOMs
- From: David A. Moon <Moon at SCRC-TENEX>
- Date: Sun ,20 Jun 82 01:29:00 EDT
- In-reply-to: The message of 15 Jun 82 15:57-EDT from Eugene C. Ciccarelli <ECC at MIT-AI>
Date: 15 June 1982 15:57-EDT
From: Eugene C. Ciccarelli <ECC at MIT-AI>
For convenience, in my file that customizes Zwei for me, I have
ECC:DEFCOM deff'd to be ZWEI:DEFCOM. (So I don't need the
"Zwei:" each time, and so (I think) Zwei will notice the
definitions since the line then starts "(def".)
However, I find that these functions are not getting compiled.
For example, if you have the following small source file:
;;; -*- Mode:LISP; Package:USER; Base:10. -*-
(deff defcom 'zwei:defcom)
(defcom COM-DCTEST "..." ()
and you compile that, you will find that COM-DCTEST is not
You need to wrap an EVAL-WHEN around the DEFF or it won't take effect at
compile time, only when the file is loaded (like any other random form).
I verified that it works provided you do so.