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Your recent problems

    Date: Monday, 22 March 1982, 23:17-EST
    From: Bruce J. Nemnich <BJN at MIT-AI>
    In ZWEI in System 79.28, ZMail 40.7, Remote-File 2.0, LMFILE-Remote 5.3,
    Macsyma 26.0, microcode 849, MC, on Lisp Machine Thirteen:

    I was going to look at the source for ZWEI:EXPUNGE-MAIL-FILE, but when I
    did meta-. on it, I got a TRAP 15257 because CC:A-PGF-WMD was unbound.
    indicator said it was 63% through reading file ai:zmail;comnds >.

    Date: Monday, 22 March 1982, 22:55-EST
    From: Bruce J. Nemnich <BJN at MIT-AI>
    In ZMAIL in System 79.28, ZMail 40.7, Remote-File 2.0, LMFILE-Remote 5.3,
    Macsyma 26.0, microcode 849, MC, on Lisp Machine Thirteen:

    I get an error in ZWEI:EXPUNGE-MAIL-FILE. It gives CDR the argument 622504.
    Actually, it may only do it when I have deleted all my mail messages, but
    I don't think so. In any case, it gives me a TRAP 5344. I don't think I have
    anything funny in my init file...you can look at it in AI:USERS0;BJN ZMAIL.

It sounds to me like your machine was somewhat trashed.  CC:A-PGF-WMD
doesn't have anything to do with ZWEI:EXPUNGE-MAIL-FILE or anything M-.
does.  If you can reproduce it on LM13, try it elsewhere; if it doesn't
happen in other system 79's, LM13 should get a new band from somewhere.

If you can reproduce it elsewhere, please send another note.