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In system 44.3, with microcode 692, on LISP Machine Three:

This is basically a "Zwei should do what EMACS does in this case"
kind of complaint.  The problem is:  If Fill Column is 65 and I
have the following line:

Twasbrillo and the slithy toves did gyre and gymbol in the wabe.  All mimsy were the borogoves etc.

Point is after "Twas" and I type a Space.  We get:

Twas brillo and the slithy toves did gyre and gymbol in the wabe.
 All mimsy were the borogoves etc.

Note the Space at the start of the second line.  This is because
the first of two spaces after the period is at exactly column 65
and the auto filling post-command hook will break between the two
spaces.  EMACS on the other hand will fill only when it can move
a word down to the next line, so if I were typing in

Twas brillo and the slithy toves did gyre and gymbol in the wabe.

and typed two spaces after that period, I'd not get an auto-fill
until the next word (and following space) was typed.  Zwei would
auto-fill after the first space.  I think what this means for the
auto-fill hook is this:  find the whitespace where filling
should occur and make sure that after that whitespace there is a
word on the line.  If not -- don't fill yet.  If so, remove all
that whitespace and break there.