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    Date: 26 JUL 1980 0412-EDT
    From: DLW at MIT-AI (Daniel L. Weinreb)
    To: (BUG ZWEI) at MIT-AI
    When you are in the Zwei-specific version of Split Screen,
    and mouse Find File, on the crufty old Xerox system,
    the blinker in the window you type the filename to does not blink;
    rather, a blinker on the prompt line blinks, very confusingly.
    Date: 26 JUL 1980 0410-EDT
    From: DLW at MIT-AI (Daniel L. Weinreb)
    To: (BUG ZWEI) at MIT-AI
    I tried using the mouse command "Mouse Indent Rigidly"; it
    did an indent rigidly with some random argument of about 12. or so.
    This is sure not what I expected and it is not very useful;
    if there really IS some way to specify the amount graphically
    with the mouse, I sure could not find it.  This is on the Xerox system
    of course.
These bugs have been fixed for some time.  I hope someone has been giving thought
to maintenance of the software on those machines.