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Rotate Case command suggestion
- To: bug-zwei@MIT-OZ
- Subject: Rotate Case command suggestion
- From: Scott Layson <X.GYRO@MIT-OZ>
- Date: Wed ,1 Aug 84 10:00:00 EDT
- In-reply-to: Msg of 31 Jul 1984 15:12-EDT from Jan Walker <JWalker at SCRC-TENEX>
- Mail-from: X.GYRO created at 1-Aug-84 10:00:52
Everyone points out that the argument should be the number of words to
operate on. Well, that's logical and philosophically consistent with
the rest of the editor, but I suspect it isn't very useful. I liked
my suggestion of having arguments modify the definition of a "word",
e.g., as if Atom Word Mode were on. However, the chances of anyone
but me ever using that may be slim -- after all, a user will bother to
learn only so many special-case hacks. (Do @i<you> ever use c-U c-U
c-Space?) So perhaps consistency should take precedence.
Another suggestion: if there's a region, the command should operate on
the whole region, and leave it turned on. I, for one, much prefer
marking things with the mouse to counting words.
-- Scott