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Make list buffers know about support buffers

    Date: Wednesday, 15 August 1984, 15:51-EDT
    From: Steven C. Bagley <bagley at MIT-OZ>

    In zwei in Release 5.1, Experimental MIT 1.5, FEP 18, on Lisp Machine Janis Joplin (3600):

    It would be nice if there was some way to get M-X List Buffers not to
    list the support buffers.  Right now, you can sort of get that by giving
    it a numeric argument and then a string not contained in any support
    buffer name (e.g. ":"), but this is kludgy, and not really the right
    thing, since it will miss buffers like *buffer-1*.

I have often thought this would be useful.  Maybe c-- c-X c-B (where c--
means ``everything except...'').  More Teco madness.  BTW, maybe it's
time to write a macro which loops over the buffers, searching/not-searching
as it goes.  So far List Buffers, Select Some Buffers As Tag Table, Kill
Some Buffers all duplicate this looping code.