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breakpoint warning.

    Date: Sunday, 7 April 1985, 21:42-EST
    From: David M. J. Saslav <saz at OZ>

    In Symbolics 3600 Release 6.0, IP-TCP 29.0, AISite 7.9,
    microcode TMC5-MIC 319, FEP 18, on Lisp Machine Apiary-4:

    I have prin1 deff'ed to GRIND-TOP-LEVEL in my init file.  Is there any way to
    inhibit the warning that pops up about this everytime I enter breakpoint?

Use (setq-standard-value prin1 'grind-top-level) in your init file.
Ditto for changing any other things listed in si:*standard-bindings*.