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Suggestions for C-Q (Various Quantities)

In the version of zwei on system 29.95 NWS, with microcode 669, on LISP Machine Eight:

Some suggestions for more operations and objects.  Objects:

(a) As suggested before, a way to treat a lower-case-to-uppercase transition
    as a word break, as in TEX and some PASCAL-like languages.
(b) Using a delimiter of the set of pairs [] "" `' <> {}  ||  means
    "an object delimited by that character and its mate".
(c) # means "a region delimted by a font change".


(a) # = change font
(b) _ = underline
(c) Capitalize (unfortunately C now means copy -- how about Y for that, by analogy with C-Y?)
(d) Using a delimiter of the set of pairs [] "" `' <> {}  ||  $$ means
    "surround the object with that character and its mate", with default
    arg -1 probably.