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- To: navajo!Fahlman%C.CS.CMU.EDU@navajo.stanford.edu
- From: edsel!bhopal!jonl@navajo.stanford.edu (Jon L White)
- Date: Wed, 17 Jun 87 19:23:56 PDT
- Cc: navajo!cl-cleanup%SAIL.STANFORD.EDU@navajo.stanford.edu, navajo!willc%tekchips.tek.com%RELAY.CS.NET@navajo.stanford.edu
- In-reply-to: "Scott E. Fahlman"'s message of Tue, 16 Jun 1987 23:39 EDT <FAHLMAN.12311108567.BABYL@C.CS.CMU.EDU>
I think I'll have to agree generally with your analysis of this problem.
At Lucid, we have spent a good deal of time working on a tool similar to
what you called COMPRESS-FOR-DELIVERY, and the results are not uniformly
heartwarming. Primarly, the mass of data involved in keeping track of all
the constraints is a quagmire [that perhaps needs an expert system for
solution?]; so it is not at all as simple a task as it seems at first.
Re: We could get rid of these named functions if, by examining all the
application code, we could prove any of the following: ... [and]
Clinger's proposal is to make this proof easier by eliminating a
large class of implict symbol-to-function conversions.
I'm just as skeptical as you are about the usefulness of making a
controversial change in CL semantics just in order to remove one small
aspect of the many hurdles in front of the impossible proof. Many of
the alleged dangers of the symbol-to-function mapping are in fact
compile-time "harmless"; e.g. (mapc 'list l1 l2) should cause no one
any more concern than (mapc #'list l1 l2), so why restrict it? Also I
like to write code like
(dolist (fn '(a b c d e f))
;; Install the "boot level" versions of these basic functions
(setf (symbol-function fn)
(symbol-function (append-symbols 'boot- fn))))
Rather than throw out the baby with the bathwater, I'd much rather have a
declaration that said something like "This instance of symbol-function is
restricted to the set of symbols {a b c d e f boot-a boot-b ... boot-f}".
Somehow, if the "proof" were ever made to be successful, I fear that the
resultant language would be so much more like Pascal, and so little like
the classic Lisps that the AI world grew up on, that X3J13 might just as
well admit defeat and join the FortranADAPascalCModula crowd.
-- JonL --