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- To: cl-cleanup@Sail.stanford.edu
- Subject: Issue status: READY FOR LETTER BALLOT
- From: Masinter.pa@Xerox.COM
- Date: 14 Jan 88 21:11 PST
Just to get them out of the other list, I've separated out into a separate
message those issues that I think are, as of today, ready for sending out in
letter ballot form; they were either endorsed by X3J13 at a previous meeting (if
it says so) or else there's been no objections to the last version mailed and
the discussion is conclusive.
New for this meeting:
- ADJUST-ARRAY-DISPLACEMENT (Version 4, 23-Nov-87)
(Interaction of ADJUST-ARRAY and displaced arrays)
- APPEND-DOTTED (Version 5, 14-Jan-88)
(What happens to CDR of last CONS? in other
than last arg?)
- ASSOC-RASSOC-IF-KEY (Version 4, 23-Nov-87)
(Extend ASSOC-IF, etc. to allow :KEY)
- COMPILER-WARNING-BREAK (Version 4,23-Nov-87 )
(Does *BREAK-ON-WARNING* affect the compiler?)
- DEFVAR-DOCUMENTATION (Version 2, 23-Nov-87)
(Documentation string is not evaluated.)
- DEFVAR-INIT-TIME (Version 2, 29-May-87)
(DEFVAR initializes when evaluated, not later.)
Version 2 passed X3J13/Jun87.
- DO-SYMBOLS-DUPLICATES (Version 3, 23-Nov-87)
( DO-SYMBOLS can the same symbol twice?)
- PATHNAME-SYMBOL (Version 3, 23-OCT-87)
(Do symbols automaticly coerce to pathnames?)
- PUSH-EVALUATION-ORDER (Version 5,25-Nov-87)
(What order does (PUSH (A) (CAR (B))) evaluate (A) and (B)?)
- REDUCE-ARGUMENT-EXTRACTION (version 2, 30 Dec 87)
(Add :KEY to REDUCE)
- SETF-METHOD-FOR-SYMBOL (Version 3, 11-Nov-87)
(Change recommendation for (get-setf-method symbol)?)
- SETF-FUNCTION-VS-MACRO (Version 3, 4-Nov-87)
(Allow (DEFUN (SETF FOO) ..))
- SHADOW-ALREADY-PRESENT (Version 4, 10-Nov-87 23:59:43)
(What does SHADOW do if symbol is already there?)
- SHARPSIGN-PLUS-MINUS-PACKAGE (version 3, 14-Nov-87)
( *FEATURES* are in the keyword package)
Already passed:
- AREF-1D (Version 7, 14-Nov-87)
(Add a new function for accessing arrays with row-major-index)
Version 5 conditionally passed X3J13/Jun87
Version 7 passed X3j13/Nov87
- COLON-NUMBER (Version 1, 22-oct-87)
(Is :1 a number, a symbol, or undefined?)
Version 1 passed X3J13/Nov87
- COMPILER-WARNING-STREAM (Version 6, 5-Jun-87)
(Compiler warnings are printed on *ERROR-OUTPUT*)
Version 6 passed X3J13/Jun87
((DEFVAR var) doesn't initialize)
Version 4 passed X3J13, Jun87.
- FLET-IMPLICIT-BLOCK (Version 6, 5-Jun-87)
(do FLETs have implicit named blocks around them?)
Version 6 passed X3J13/Jun87.
- FORMAT-ATSIGN-COLON (Version 4, 5-jun-87)
(@: == :@ in format)
Version 4 passed X3J13/Jun87.
- FORMAT-COMMA-INTERVAL (Version 2, 15 June 87)
(paramerize number of digits between commas)
Version 2 passed X3J13/Nov87
- FORMAT-OP-C (Version 5, 11-Jun-87)
(What does ~C do?)
Version 5 passed X3J13/Jun87.
- GET-SETF-METHOD-ENVIRONMENT (Version 5, 13-Jun-87)
(Environment argument for GET-SETF-METHOD)
Version 4 conditionally passed X3J13/Jun87.
Version 5 passed X3J13/Nov87.
- IMPORT-SETF-SYMBOL-PACKAGE (Version 5, 11-Jun-87)
(Does IMPORT affect home package?)
Version 5 passed X3J13/Jun87.
(&KEY arguments not in keyword package?)
Version 6 conditionally passed X3J13/Jun87.
Version 8 passed X3J13/Nov87
- PATHNAME-STREAM (Version 6, 14-Nov-87)
(PATHNAME only works on file streams)
Version 2 conditionally passed X3J13/Jun 87
Version 6 passed X3J13/Nov 87
(PRINC behavior on character objections)
Version 3 passed X3J13/Jun87.