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Ok, I've revived this proposal per discussion in committee with
corrections to just treat echo streams (as created by MAKE-ECHO-STREAM)
and not get caught up in the problems of terminal interaction.

Please read carefully. A lot of little things changed in the process
and I don't guarantee this is error-free.

Naturally, if we could agree to just go forward with one of the two
proposals, the thing would be textually a bit simpler...

References:   READ-CHAR (p379), UNREAD-CHAR (p379), PEEK-CHAR (p379),
	      MAKE-ECHO-STREAM (p330), Streams (p327-328),
Edit history: 06-Mar-88, Version 1 by Pitman,
	      23-Jun-88, Version 2 by Pitman (remove interactive stuff)
Status:	      For Internal Discussion
Problem Description:

  The interaction between PEEK-CHAR, READ-CHAR and streams made by
  MAKE-ECHO-STREAM is not made adequately clear about how many times
  a particular character may be echoed and at what time such echo
  is permissible.

  For example, given:
       (LET ((CHAR NIL))
	 (PEEK-CHAR)             (PRIN1 '---)
	 (PEEK-CHAR)             (PRIN1 '---)
	 (UNREAD-CHAR CHAR)      (PRIN1 '---)
  what is seen on the terminal? There are at least these possibilities:

  [1] PEEK-CHAR is implemented by READ-CHAR/UNREAD-CHAR. The first time
      a char is seen by READ-CHAR it's echoed, UNREAD-CHAR does not echo,
      re-fetching the char by READ-CHAR doesn't echo.

  [2] Characters are echoed whenever seen by PEEK-CHAR or READ-CHAR.
      Characters are not unechoed by UNREAD-CHAR.

  [3] Characters are not echoed by PEEK-CHAR but are echoed by READ-CHAR.
      No `unecho' action is done by UNREAD-CHAR.

  [4] PEEK-CHAR is implemented by READ-CHAR/UNREAD-CHAR. READ-CHAR echos
      but UNREAD-CHAR does not `unecho'.

  [5] PEEK-CHAR is implemented by READ-CHAR/UNREAD-CHAR. READ-CHAR echos
      but UNREAD-CHAR unechos (a magic Erase character must be 
      presupposed for display terminals, a file stream that can randomly
      access during output and/or back up must be presupposed for files,
      paper terminals just lose):

  [6] PEEK-CHAR is implemented by peeking and does not echo. The first
      time a char is seen by READ-CHAR it's echoed, UNREAD-CHAR does not
      echo, re-fetching the char by READ-CHAR doesn't echo:

  This list is not believed to be exhaustive. It is only to illustrate
  of the variety of possible ways in which the current specification can 
  be implemented without technically being in conflict with the written 
  word of CLtL. Obviously not all of these interpretations are considered 
  useful by all people, but usefulness has not been determined to be 
  criterial in satisfying the specification.

  The description of streams (p327-328) is also [probably deliberately]
  fuzzy on this issue as it relates to operating systems on which echoing 
  is done by the operating system. That is, some systems are line-at-a-time
  and all READ-CHAR and PEEK-CHAR operations happen after issues of echo
  have long since been resolved by a system call that reads and echos input 
  a line at a time. Other systems are character-at-a-time and these issues 
  hit home in a different way. It will probably be necessary to continue
  leaving things slightly unspecified in order to accomodate the native 
  style of the variety of operating systems now trying to support Common 
  Lisp, but we should be more up front about the game we are playing. (For
  example, code which must port between character-at-a-time and 
  line-at-a-time systems must be more careful about whether it does 
  newline-preceded or newline-terminated output than many CL programmers 
  might realize given the current wording.) Additionally, though, we should
  be on the lookout for less ambitious goals involving only partial
  compatibility to improve the situation wherever we can find a way to.

  are implicitly affected by any decisions made on this issue since their
  descriptions involve the use of UNREAD-CHAR and PEEK-CHAR, respectively.


  Ammend the description of READ-CHAR to say that when the stream is
  an echo stream (a stream created by MAKE-ECHO-STREAM), the character
  will be echoed on the stream at the time this operation is performed.

  Ammend the description of UNREAD-CHAR to say that when the stream
  is an echo stream (a stream created by MAKE-ECHO-STREAM), no attempt
  will be made to undo any echoing of the character which might already
  have been done on the stream.

  Ammend the description of PEEK-CHAR to say that when the stream is
  an echo stream (a stream created by MAKE-ECHO-STREAM), characters
  which are only peeked at are not echoed. Note however that in the
  case that the PEEK-TYPE argument is not NIL, the characters which
  are passed by PEEK-CHAR are treated as if by READ-CHAR, and so are

  Ammend the description of abstract input functions 
  that they are implicitly affected by these new echoing rules of 

  Note: This is consistent with behavior [3] in the problem description.

  Clarify that the echo behavior of interactive streams such as
  *TERMINAL-IO* continues to be implementation dependent.


    This is in use in a number of systems and few problems have been
    reported. However, the reason there are so few reports may be that
    few people use echo streams or that people who care about echo
    behavior just avoid UNREAD-CHAR as too unpredictable (perhaps using
    more reliable implementation-dependent primitives).

  Ammend the description of READ-CHAR to say that when the stream is
  an echo stream (a stream created by MAKE-ECHO-STREAM), the character
  will be echoed on the stream the first time those characters are seen.
  (Characters which are not echoed by READ-CHAR are those which were
  put there by UNREAD-CHAR and hence are assumed to have been echoed
  already by a previous call to READ-CHAR.)

  Ammend the description of UNREAD-CHAR to say that when the stream
  is an echo stream (a stream created by MAKE-ECHO-STREAM), no attempt
  will be made to undo any echoing of the character which might already
  have been done on the stream. However, characters placed on the
  stream by UNREAD-CHAR will be marked in such as way as to inhibit
  later re-echo by READ-CHAR.

  Ammend the description of PEEK-CHAR to say that when the stream is
  an echo stream (a stream created by MAKE-ECHO-STREAM), characters
  which are only peeked at are not echoed. Note however that in the
  case that the PEEK-TYPE argument is not NIL, the characters which
  are passed by PEEK-CHAR are treated as if by READ-CHAR, and so are
  echoed unless they have been marked otherwise by READ-CHAR.

  Ammend the description of abstract input functions 
  that they are implicitly affected by these new echoing rules of 

  Note: This is consistent with behavior [6] in the problem description.

  Clarify that the echo behavior of interactive streams such as
  *TERMINAL-IO* continues to be implementation dependent.


    Although this is not known to be in use in any particular system,
    nothing prevents its use. It proposes a more rational interpretation
    of the echoing behavior of UNREAD-CHAR which might make it possible
    for programmers concerned about echo behavior not to have to shy
    away from UNREAD-CHAR. (It would probably also improve the behavior
    of READ-PRESERVING-WHITESPACE with regard to echoing, since its
    description mentions using UNREAD-CHAR.)


  Correct echoing behavior is important to programs which do batch
  processing, parsing, etc. Allowing multiple or premature echoing
  is clearly unsatisfactory.

  Either of these proposals is an improvement over existing practice.

Current Practice:

  A wide variety of behaviors are in use.

Cost to Implementors:

  The code to implement the proposed change itself is probably fairly

  In some operating systems, there may be echoing constraints which
  I am overlooking. Depending on what those are, I may be 
  over-trivializing the difficulty of adopting these for some
  implementations. I invite informed commentary on this issue.

  In some cases, there may be second order effects in the system 
  itself which would also require a somewhat less predictable amount 
  of work to fix. In most cases, my hope is that the work would be 
  slight only because I assume that anyone who was going to rely on 
  a particular echo behavior for anything major would have realized 
  that CLtL wasn't guaranteeing this point and would have sent mail
  complaining about this problem a lot sooner. Since no one has made 
  much noise about this, my hope is that it hasn't affected too many 
  people yet.

Cost to Users:

  Any change is effectively upward compatible since the previous
  behavior is so ill-specified.

  Most users probably naively expect (perhaps even without realizing
  it explicitly) that echoing will take care of itself. That is, they
  probably expect that echoing will occur at the time of the
  READ-CHAR and probably do not give a lot of thought to the effect
  of PEEK-CHAR. As such, FIRST-READ-CHAR probably best supports most 
  of their naive intuitions.

Cost of Non-Adoption:

  The streams returned by MAKE-ECHO-STREAM would continue to be
  significantly hard to use portably.


  A number of applications involving of parsers, batch script
  interpreters, and such would be possible to implement
  straightforwardly and portably.


  [Thoughts anyone? -kmp]


  he feels it is more practically coherent. However, he says he has
  only mental exercises and no actual personal experience upon which
  to base that belief.

  Version 1 of this proposal treated interactive streams on par
  with echo streams, but while people agreed that this issue is
  a severe portability problem, some considered that the treatment
  of interactive streams got involved in operating system issues
  that were beyond the scope of the standard, so that part of the
  text was removed.