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Issue: SETF-SUB-METHODS (Version 5)
- To: cl-cleanup@sail.stanford.edu
- Subject: Issue: SETF-SUB-METHODS (Version 5)
- From: masinter.pa@Xerox.COM
- Date: 6 Oct 88 15:29 PDT
This issue was last discussed on 10 June. I apparently passed over it
my last tour through the issues.
I rewrote the problem description and proposal in third person.
I added a "Performance Impact" section and made something up for it.
I moved some of the text from "Problem" and "Proposal" to "Discussion"
in an attempt to streamline it.
References: CLtL pp. 95-96, 99, 105-106, 166
Edit history: Version 1: JonL White & Ken D. Olum 12-Feb-88
(based on problem originally called SETF-METHOD-FOR-SYMBOLS)
Version 2: JonL White 23-May-88 (fix references and spellings).
Version 3: JonL White 25-May-88
Version 4: JonL White & Ken D. Olum 26-May-88 (final insights!)
Version 5: Masinter (respond to comments)
Problem description:
Implementations differ in the left-to-right order
of evaluation in the following form:
(setq r '(a 1 b 2 c 3))
(setq s r)
(setf (getf r 'b) (progn (setq r nil) 6))
In some implementations, the side-effect of the setq appears to happen before
the evaluation of the place form (getf r 'b) which is necessary to fetch the
list being updated. A typical result is 'r' = (B 6), 's' = (A 1 B 2 C 3)
after the operation.
There is a similar problem with SETF's over LDB, MASK-FIELD, and CHAR-BIT.
CLtL p99 is explicit about left-to-right order of evaluation.
However, the specification is less clear about computations involved
in "evaluation" of the subforms, and other computations that are implicit
in the notion of "doing an access" or "doing a store".
This proposal specifies more explicilty the behavior of SETF in the case
of access forms whose sub-forms are permitted to be generalized variable
references [and which thus need to call GET-SETF-METHOD during setf macro
Remember, first, that GET-SETF-METHOD returns the following:
-- Some temporary variables
-- A list of value-producing forms
-- A list of store-variables (normally one).
-- A storing form.
-- An accessing form.
The code produced as the macro expansion of a SETF form that
itself admits a generalized variable as an argument must essentially
do the following major steps:
** It evaluates the value-producing sub-forms, in left-to-right order, and
binds the temporary variables to them. This will be called "binding the
** It "reads the value" from the generalized variable using the supplied
accessing form, to get the "old value"; this will be called "doing the
access." [Note that this is done after all the evaluations of the
preceeding step, including any side-effects they may have.]
** It binds the store-variable to a new value, and then installs this
new value into the generalized variable using the supplied "storing
form". This will be called "doing the store."
"Reading the value" of a generalized variable reference is not part of
the series of evaluations that must be done in left-to-right order.
The place-specifier forms listed at the top of CLtL p96 permit admit (other)
place-specifiers as arguments; during the SETF expansion of these forms, it
is necessary to call GET-SETF-METHOD in order to figure out how the inner,
nested generalized variable must be treated. This proposal requires GETF be
listed among these forms, since it must have a sub-recursive <place> specifier
[however, there is no Common Lisp function serving as a pseudo-update function
for it, the way DPB serves for LDB].
For each place-specifier form with a sub-recursive place specifier,
the information from GET-SETF-METHOD is used as follows.
In a form such as:
(SETF (CHAR-BIT <place-form> <bit-name>) <value-form>)
the place referred to by the <place-form> must always be both accessed
and updated; note that the update is to the generalized variable
specified by <place-form> -- not to a character object itself.
Thus this SETF should generate code to do the following:
1. Bind the temporaries for <place-form>
2. Evaluate <bit-name> (and bind into a temporary)
3. Evaluate <value-form> (and bind into the store variable)
4. Do the access to <place-form>
5. Do the store into <place-form>, with the given bit-name of the
character fetched in step 4 changed to reflect the value from step 3.
If the evaluation of <value-form> in step 3 alters what is found in the
given "place" -- such as setting a different "bit" of the character --
then the change of the bit denoted by <bit-name> will be to that altered
character, because the "access" step is done after the <value-form>
evaluation. See example 1 in the test cases section. Nevertheless, the
evaluations required for binding the temporaries are done in steps 1 and
2, and thus the expected left-to-right evaluation order is seen.
In a form such as:
(SETF (LDB <byte-spec> <place-form>) <value-form>)
the place referred to by the <place-form> must always be both accessed
and updated; note that the update is to the generalized variable
specified by <place-form> -- not to any object of type integer.
Thus this SETF should generate code to do the following:
1. Evaluate <byte-spec> (and bind into a temporary)
2. Bind the temporaries for <place-form>
3. Evaluate <value-form> (and bind into the store variable)
4. Do the access to <place-form>
5. Do the store into <place-form> with the given bit-field of the integer
fetched in step 4 replaced with the value from step 3.
If the evaluation of <value-form> in step 3 alters what is found in the
given "place" -- such as setting a different bit-field of the integer --
then the change of the bit-field denoted by <byte-spec> will be to that
altered integer, because the "access" step is done after the <value-form>
evaluation. See example 2 in the test cases section. Nevertheless, the
evaluations required for binding the temporaries are done in steps 1 and
2, and thus the expected left-to-right evaluation order is seen.
This case is the same as LDB in all essential aspects.
In a form such as:
(SETF (GETF <place-form> <ind-form>) <value-form>)
the place referred to by the <place-form> must always be both accessed
and updated; note that the update is to the generalized variable
specified by <place-form> -- not necessarily to the particular list
which is the property list in question.
Thus this SETF should generate code to do the following:
1. Bind the temporaries for <place-form>
2. Evaluate <ind-form> (and bind into a temporary)
3. Evaluate the <value-form> (and bind into the store variable)
4. Do the access to <place-form>
5. Do the store into <place-form> with a possibly-new property list
obtained by combining the values from steps 2, 3, and 4.
If the evaluation of <value-form> in step 3 alters what is found in the
given "place" -- such as setting a different named property in the list,
then the change of the property denoted by <ind-form> will be to that
altered list, because the "access" step is done after the <value-form>
evaluation. See example 7 in the test cases section. Nevertheless, the
evaluations required for binding the temporaries are done in steps 1 and
2, and thus the expected left-to-right evaluation order is seen.
Note that this phrase "possibly-new property list" treats the
implementation of property lists as a "black box" -- it can mean that
the former property list is somehow destructively re-used, or it can
mean partial or full copying of it. This is like the question of REMOVE
or DELETE -- do you copy or do you destructively alter. Since the answer
could go either way, the treatment of the resultant value for the
"possibly-new property list" must proceed as if it were a different copy
needing to be stored back into the generalized variable.
The "read-modify-write" macros such as INCF, DECF, PUSH, POP,
and REMF, as well as PSETF, SHIFTF, and ROTATEF should be
specified to have the same evalauation order for the subforms of
the "place" arguments; this would generally follow from their definition
in terms of SETF.
Test Cases:
1. (setq char (make-char #\A 1)) ==> #\Control-A
(rotatef (char-bit char :control)
(char-bit char :meta))
char ==> #\Meta-A
;; It's as if you start with #\Control-A, and then first turn the
;; :control bit off, because the :meta bit was originally off; and
;; then to the resulting #\A, you add the :meta bit since the
;; :control bit was originally on.
Note, however, that if an implementation doesn't support both of these
character 'bits', then this test case would have to be re-written to
reference two independent bits actually supported. If an implementation
supports fewer than two independent character bits, then this test case
is entirely moot.
2. (setq integer #x69) ==> #x69
(rotatef (ldb (byte 4 4) integer)
(ldb (byte 4 0) integer))
integer ==> #x96
;; This very-realistic example is simply trying to swap two
;; independent bit fields in an integer. Note that the generalized
;; variable of interest here is just the (possibly local) program
;; variable 'integer'.
3a.(setq l1 (setq l2 (list #x69))) ==> (#x69)
(setf (ldb (byte 4 4) (car l1))
(ldb (byte 4 0) (car (prog1 l1
(setq l1 nil)))))
l1 ==> nil
l2 ==> (#x99)
;; Note that the (setq l1 nil) didn't affect the actions of the setf
;; at all, since l1 was evaluated and its value was saved away in a
;; temporary variable as part of the step "2. Bind the temporaries
;; for <place-form>", and this was done before the evaluation of the
;; <value-form> which contains the (setq l1 nil). Note also that the
;; step "4. Do the access to <place-form>" means fetching the CAR of
;; the saved (temporary) value of 'l1'; it does not mean doing a LDB
;; on anything like that.
3b.(setq l1 (setq l2 (list #x69))) ==> (#x69)
(setf (ldb (byte 4 4) (car l1))
(ldb (byte 4 0) (car (rplaca l1 #x17))))
l1 ==> (#x77)
l2 ==> (#x77)
;; Note that the (rplaca l1 #x17) altered the contents of what l1
;; was pointing to. Thus even though l1 was evaluated and its
;; value was saved away in a temporary variable as part of the step
;; "2. Bind the temporaries for <place-form>", and even though this
;; was done before the evaluation of the <value-form> which contains
;; the rplaca, still the side-effect changes things because it alters
;; what will be fetched during the "do the access" step.
4. (setq integer #x69)
(setf (mask-field (byte 4 4) integer) (incf integer)) => #x6A
integer ==> #x6A
5. (setq integer #x6A)
(setf (mask-field (byte 4 4) integer) (ash (incf integer) 4)) => #x6B0
integer => #xBB
6. (setq s (setq r (list 'a 1 'b 2 'c 3))) ==> (a 1 b 2 c 3)
(setf (getf r 'b)
(progn (setq r nil) 6)) ==> 6
r ==> (b 6)
s ==> (a 1 b 2 c 3)
;; Note that the generalized variable of concern here is the (degenerate?)
;; one of simply the program variable 'r'; it is not a property-list
;; slot denoted by (getf r 'b). At the time the step "4. Do the access
;; to <place-form>" is performed, the evaluation of the <value-form>
;; has already altered the generalized variable 'r', and thus a nil is
;; returned for this access; that is why a fresh property-list (B 6) is
;; created an stored back into 'r'.
7. (setq s (setq r (list (list 'a 1 'b 2 'c 3)))) ==> ((a 1 b 2 c 3))
(setf (getf (car r) 'b)
(progn (setq r nil) 6)) ==> 6
r ==> nil
s ==> ((A 1 B 6 C 3))
;; Note that the (setq r nil) does not affect the actions of the setf
;; because the value of R had already been saved in a temporary variable
;; as part of the step "1. Bind the temporaries for <place-form>". Only
;; the CAR of this value will be accessed, and subsequently modified
;; after the value computation.
As a principle,
(setf (foo-a x) (progn (setf (foo-b x) ...)
should always set both of the "slots" of 'x', even if these slots are
implemented as bit-fields, getf-properties, and so on. Only by separating
out evaluation from "generalized variable access", and by specifying that
the access is done after all the evaluations, can this correctly be done.
Current Practice:
Lucid Common Lisp already operates pretty much according to this proposal.
Symbolics Genera 7.2 foolishly adopted an earlier proposal
(SETF-METHOD-FOR-SYMBOLS) before it was officially approved by X3J13 and
its parent standards organization. This proposal is incompatible with
that one, so Genera 7.2 does not implement the behavior described here,
and fails test cases 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6. Symbolics Genera 7.1
is probably closer to this proposal.
Performance impact:
Small. This proposal might slow down macro-expansion slightly,
might cause some current optimizations not to work as well. However,
the net effect is likely negligible.
Cost to Implementors:
In some implementations, this would require a careful revisiting of
the handling of SETF and generalized variable modifiers.
Cost to Users:
Small; although this will impose an incompatible change on
implementations that don't behave as proposed, and might have
an effect on (non-portable) code, we believe the effects
are not widespread.
Cost of non-adoption:
SETF left-to-right order of evaluation will not be well specified;
implementations will differ for no good reason.
Uniform semantics and portability in the face of recursive "place specifiers"
for SETF. Setf of (LDB ... <place>) and of (GETF <place> ...) will behave
uniformly no matter the nature of the <place>.
Anyone who has copied examples from p105 and p106 will continue to
be able to use them.
See "Cost of non-adoption"
This is a difficult proposal to specify.
In the detailed descriptions for each access form, the phrase
"the place referred to by the <place-form> must always be both
accessed and updated; note that the update is to the generalized
variable specified by <place-form>"
is not intended to prevent optimizations that could occur when the
code "knows" that the new value will be EQ to the old one. The only
requirements is that the results be semantically equivalent.
There is an interesting parallel between this case for GETF and the
very common mistake made by Lisp programmers with respect to the
function DELETE. How often the complaint is filed that DELETE didn't
do anything when it should have; but in fact the filer simply forgot
that delete, although permitted to destructively modify the original
list, may also return some tail of the list originally give it,
whether or not an alteration occurs.
(setq l '(a a b c d)) ==> (a a b c d)
(delete 'a l) ==> (b c d)
l ==> (a a b c d)
The unwary user thinks that because 'l' is still EQ to the original value
that "DELETE didn't do anything". The temptation to ignore the resultant
value of DELETE parallels the temptation to forget about a need to perform
a final update to <place-form> in the setf-of-getf case.
In the (degenerate?) case when a generalized variable
is in fact simply a program variable, then there are no sub-forms to be
considered "value-producing" forms; in fact, "doing the access" for such
a generalized variable (i.e. a program variable) is functionally the
same as evaluating it. This explains why the behaviour in the "Problem
Description" is at first perplexing -- the "do the access" step has the same
semantics as an evaluation step, even though it is done after all the
prescribed evaluations.
The issue PUSH-EVALUATION-ORDER is a clarification about just the point
of the evaluation order for the various subforms to a PUSH; thus there
is a similarity to this issue, but the present issue has a much deeper
problem because of the need to call GET-SETF-METHOD during setf macro