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- To: David N Gray <Gray%DSG.csc.ti.com@multimax>
- Subject: Re: Issue: REQUIRE-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS (Version 3)
- From: Dan L. Pierson <pierson%mist@multimax.ARPA>
- Date: Tue, 18 Oct 88 13:28:20 EDT
- Cc: CL-Cleanup%SAIL.Stanford.edu@multimax, sandra%defun%cs.utah.edu@multimax
- In-reply-to: Your message of Tue, 18 Oct 88 12:15:55 -0500. <2802186955-10350987@Kelvin>
We decided at the cleanup meeting last week to separate the REQUIRE
second argument issue from the issue of where to put PROVIDE. Since
there seemed to a strong split in the committee with a lot of
sentiment toward not mandating either solution for the PROVIDE
question, I haven't written a proposal for that part. Please feel
free to write one if you wish, I'd suggest PROVIDE-LOCATION as the
issue name.