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This version is a substantial re-write, to address issues raised since
the X3J13 meeting in Fairfax, especially in the mail msgs:
  10 Oct Jim McDonald <jlm@lucid.com>
  13 Oct Kent M Pitman <KMP@STONY-BROOK.SCRC.Symbolics.COM> 
  13 Oct sandra%defun@cs.utah.edu (Sandra J Loosemore)

One major change is the re-introduction of "upgrading".  Not only has 
this word crept into most people's vocabulary, but Pedersen has provided 
a sufficient rationale for using it -- it is a movement upward in the
type-hierarchy lattice.  We have found one implementation that does no
upgrading; and we have had to clarify some things about upgrading, to
cover existing practice.  This is reflected in two sub-items in the 
proposal part.  

Although the proposal is a CHANGE, is now consists of seven sub-items:
  Two incompatible CHANGES
  And "a partridge in a pear tree"
The seventh item is the definition for subtypep on complexes; I'm not
sure whether this is new (because CLtL forgot about it), or a change,
or simply a clarification.  Let's hope it's at least right!

-- JonL --

P.S.  I say "we" above, since many people helped in the production of
      this version.



References:    Data types and Type specifiers: CLtL p. 11; Sect. 4.5, p.45
               Functions: TYPEP and SUBTYPEP; CLtL Sect. 6.2.1, p.72
                          ARRAY-ELEMENT-TYPE, CLtL p. 291
               The type-specifiers:
                          ARRAY,  SIMPLE-ARRAY,  VECTOR,  SIMPLE-VECTOR


Category:      CHANGE

Edit history:  Version 1, 13-May-88, JonL
               Version 2, 23-May-88, JonL  
                (typo fixes, comments from moon, rearrange some discussion)
               Version 3, 02-Jun-88, JonL  
                (flush alternate proposal ["flush-upgrading"]; consequently,
                 move more of discussion back to discussion section.
               Version 4, 01-Oct-88, Jan Pedersen & JonL
                (reduce discussion, and "cleanup" wordings)
               (Version 5 edit history missing)
               Version 6, 6-Oct-88, Moon
                (fix typos, cover subtypep explicitly, add complex,
                 change name of UPGRADE-ARRAY-ELEMENT-TYPE)
               Version 7, 7-Oct-88, JonL (more name and wording changes)
               Version 8,  8-Oct-88, Masinter (wording, discussion)
               Version 9, 31-Oct-88, JonL (major re-wording to accommodate
		 recent discussion; esp. re-introduce and clarify "upgrading")

Problem description:

 CLtL occasionally draws a distinction between type-specifiers "for
 declaration" and "for discrimination";  see CLtL, section 4.5 "Type 
 Specifiers That Specialize" (p.45 and following)  The phrase 
 "for declaration"  encompasses type-specifiers passed in as the 
 :element-type argument to  MAKE-ARRAY, passed in as the <result-type> 
 argument to COERCE, and used in THE and DECLARE type declarations.  The 
 phrase "for discrimination" refers to the type-specifiers passed in as 
 the <type> argument(s) to TYPEP and SUBTYPEP.

 One consequence of this distinction is that a variable declared to be of 
 type <certain-type>, and all of whose assigned objects are created in 
 accordance with that type, may still have none of its values ever satisfy 
 the TYPEP predicate with that type-specifier.   One type-specifier with 
 this property is  
         (ARRAY <element-type>) 
 for various implementation dependent values of <element-type>.  For
 example, in most implementations of CL, an array X created with an
 element-type of (SIGNED-BYTE 5) will, depending on the vendor, either
        (TYPEP X '(ARRAY (SIGNED-BYTE 8))), or
        (TYPEP X '(ARRAY T)) 
 but (almost) never will it satisfy 
        (TYPEP X '(ARRAY (SIGNED-BYTE 5))).

 This is entirely permissible within the scope of standardization on
 MAKE-ARRAY, where an implementation is required only to construct up the
 result out of "the most specialized [element] type that can nevertheless
 accommodate elements of the given type [the :element-type argument]"
 (see CLtL, p287).  That is, an implementation may in fact only provide a 
 very small number of equivalence classes of element-types for storing 
 arrays, corresponding to its repertoire of specialized storage techniques;
 and it is explicitly permitted to "upgrade" any element-type request into 
 one of its built-in repertoire (see also  CLtL, p45, second and third
 paragraphs under Section 4.5.)

 As a practical matter, almost every existing implementation does some 
 serious upgrading of the :element-type argument given to MAKE-ARRAY.  
 Yet the difference between "for declaration" and "for discrimination" 
 has been very confusing to many people.  Similarly, portability is
 hindered when users do not know just how a given implementation does 
 The type specifier (COMPLEX <part-type>) also falls in the  domain of CLtL
 Section 4.5.  Currently, only one implementation actually provides any kind 
 of specialized storage for complex parts; and in this case, the practical
 matter is less urgent, since the kind of upgrading happening is so obvious 
 as to cause little or no confusion.


 Short Summary:

  ** Eliminate the distinction between type-specifiers "for declaration" and
     "for discrimination".  In short, change the meaning of array and
     complex type specifiers in favor of the "for declaration" meaning.

  ** Change the meaning of TYPEP to be in accord with "for declaration"
     meaning of type-specifiers.

  ** Add an implementation-dependent function that reveals how a given 
     type-specifier for array element-types is upgraded.  Add another such 
     function that reveals how a given type-specifier for complex parts is

  ** Clarify that "upgrading" implies a movement upwards in the type-
     hierarchy lattice; i.e., if <type> upgrades to <Type>, then
     <Type> must be a super-type of <type>.

  ** Clarify that upgrading an array element-type is independent of any 
     other property of arrays, such as rank, adjustability, fill-pointers, 

  ** Clarify how SUBTYPEP thus behaves on array type-specifiers.  

  ** Define how SUBTYPEP behaves on complex type-specifiers.  

 Note that despite this issue's name, the detailed specifications herein 
 apply to the type system -- not to the behavior of MAKE-ARRAY, nor to how
 arrays are actually implemented.


  First, some definitions: Two type-specifiers <type1> and <type2> are said 
  to be "type-equivalent" if and only if each one specifies a subtype of the
  other one.  For example, (UNSIGNED-BYTE 5) and (MOD 32) are two different 
  type- specifiers that always refer to the same sets of things; hence they 
  are type-equivalent.  But (UNSIGNED-BYTE 5) and (SIGNED-BYTE 8) are not 
  type- equivalent since the former refers to a proper subset of the latter.
  Two type-specifiers <type1> and <type2> are said to be "type-disjoint"
  if their specified intersection is null.  For example, INTEGER and FLOAT 
  are type disjoint by definition (see CLtL p.33), and (INTEGER 3 5) and 
  (INTEGER 7 10) are type-disjoint because the specified ranges have no
  elements in common.

 *. Eliminate the distinction between types "for declaration" and "for 
    discrimination".  In particular, elminate any such reference in the 
    discussion of array and complex type-specifiers; this would include 
    documentation patterned after the discussion in section 4.5, pp. 45-7, 
    especially the example on p.46 that says "See ARRAY-ELEMENT-TYPE".
    Change the meaning of (ARRAY <element-type>), as well as any of the
    subtypes of ARRAY (such as SIMPLE-ARRAY, VECTOR, etc.) in favor of the 
    "for declaration" meaning.  Make the similar simplification for the 
    <part-type> specifiers in the COMPLEX type-specifier.

 *. Change the meaning of (TYPEP <x> '(ARRAY <type>)), where <type> is not 
    *, to be true if and only if <x> is an array that could be the result 
    of giving <type> as the :element-type argument to MAKE-ARRAY.  While
    (ARRAY *) refers to all arrays regardless of element type, (ARRAY <type>)
    refers only to those arrays that can result from giving <type> as the
    :element-type argument to the function MAKE-ARRAY.  Change the meanings
    for (SIMPLE-ARRAY <type>) and (VECTOR <type>) in the same way.

    Change the meaning of (TYPEP <x> '(COMPLEX <type>)) similarly.  Thus,
    (COMPLEX <type>) refers to all complex numbers that can result from 
    giving numbers of type <type> to the function COMPLEX, plus all other 
    complex numbers of the same specialized representation.  Remember that
    both the real and the imaginary parts of any such complex number must 
                (TYPEP <real-or-imag-part> '<type>). 

 *. Add the function UPGRADED-ARRAY-ELEMENT-TYPE of one argument, which
    returns the element type of the most specialized array representation
    capable of holding items of the given argument type.   Note that except
    for storage allocation consequences, it could be defined as:


    Since element-type upgrading is a fundamental operation implicit in 
    almost every existing implementation of MAKE-ARRAY, the purpose of this 
    added function is primarily to reveal how an implementation does its

    Add the function UPGRADED-COMPLEX-PART-TYPE of one argument that
    returns the part type of the most specialized complex number
    representation that can hold parts of the given argument type.

 *. Clarify that "upgrading" implies a movement upwards in the type-
    hierarchy lattice.  Specifically, the type-specifier <type> must be
    a subtype of (UPGRADED-ARRAY-ELEMENT-TYPE '<type>).  Furthermore, if 
    <type1> is a subtype of <type2>, then:
            (UPGRADED-ARRAY-ELEMENT-TYPE '<type1>)
    must also be a subtype of:
            (UPGRADED-ARRAY-ELEMENT-TYPE '<type2>).  
    Note however, that two type-disjoint types can in fact be upgraded into 
    the same thing.

    Clarify that ARRAY-ELEMENT-TYPE returns the upgraded element type
    for the array; in particular, any documentation patterned after 
    the sentence on p. 291 begining "This set may be larger than the 
    set requested when the array was created; for example . . ." should
    be embellished with this clarification.

    Similarly, the type-specifier <type> must be a subtype of 

 *. Clarify that upgrading an array element-type is independent of any 
    other property of arrays, such as rank, adjustability, fill-pointers, 
    displacement etc.  For all such properties other than rank this should 
    be obvious (since they are not expressible in the language of 
    type-specifiers); but note that unless it is also independent of rank, 
    it would not be consistently possible to displace arrays to those of 
    differing rank.

 *. Clarify that SUBTYPEP on ARRAY type-specifiers is as follows:  

    For all type-specifiers <type1> and <type2> other than *, require 
    (ARRAY <type1>) and (ARRAY <type2>) to be type-equivalent if and only 
    if they refer to arrays of exactly the same specialized representation; 
    and require them to be type-disjoint if and only if they refer to arrays 
    of different, distinct specialized representations.  This definition
    follows that implicitly prescribed in CLtL.

    As a consequence of the preceding change to TYPEP and of the definition 
    of UPGRADED-ARRAY-ELEMENT-TYPE, the two type specifiers 
                (ARRAY <type1>)  and 
                (ARRAY <type2>)
    are type-equivalent if and only if
                (UPGRADED-ARRAY-ELEMENT-TYPE '<type1>)  and
                (UPGRADED-ARRAY-ELEMENT-TYPE '<type2>) 
    are type-equivalent.  This is another way of saying that `(ARRAY <type>)
    and `(ARRAY ,(UPGRADED-ARRAY-ELEMENT-TYPE '<type>)) refer to the same
    set of specialized array representations.

    This defines the behavior of SUBTYPEP on array type-specifiers; namely:
                (SUBTYPEP '(ARRAY <type1>) '(ARRAY <type2>))
    is true if and only if
                (UPGRADED-ARRAY-ELEMENT-TYPE '<type1>)  and
                (UPGRADED-ARRAY-ELEMENT-TYPE '<type2>)
    are type-equivalent.

 *. Define SUBTYPEP on COMPLEX type-specifiers as follows: 

    For all type-specifiers <type1> and <type2> other than *, 
            (SUBTYPEP '(COMPLEX <type1>) '(COMPLEX <type2>))
    is  T T  if:
      1. <type1> is a subtype of <type2>, or
      2. (UPGRADED-COMPLEX-PART-TYPE '<type1>) is type-equivalent
         to (UPGRADED-COMPLEX-PART-TYPE '<type2>);  in this case,
         (COMPLEX <type1>) and (COMPLEX <type2>) both refer to the 
         same specialized representation.
   The result is  NIL T  otherwise.

 The small differences between the SUBTYPEP specification for ARRAY and 
 for COMPLEX are necessary because there is no creation function for 
 complexes which allows one to specify the resultant part type independently
 of the actual types of the parts.  Thus in the case of COMPLEX, we must 
 refer to the actual type of the parts, although a number can be a member 
 of more than one type; e.g., 17 is of type (MOD 18) as well as of type
 (MOD 256); and 2.3f5 is of type SINGLE-FLOAT was well as FLOAT.
 The form:
 must be true in all implementations; but:
 is true only in implementations that do not have a specialized array
 representation for single-floats distinct from that for other floats.

Test cases:

 Let <aet-x> and <aet-y> be two distinct type specifiers that are
 definitely not type-equivalent in a given implementation, but for which
 make-array will return an object of the same array type.  This will be
 an implementation dependent search, but in every implementation that
 the proposer has tested, there will be some such types; often,
 (SIGNED-BYTE 5) and (SIGNED-BYTE 8) will work.

 Thus, in each case, both of the following forms return T T:

  (subtypep (array-element-type (make-array 0 :element-type '<aet-x>))
            (array-element-type (make-array 0 :element-type '<aet-y>)))

  (subtypep (array-element-type (make-array 0 :element-type '<aet-y>))
            (array-element-type (make-array 0 :element-type '<aet-x>)))

 To eliminate the distinction between "for declaration" and "for
 discrimination" both of the following should be true:

   (typep (make-array 0 :element-type '<aet-x>)
          '(array <aet-x>))
   (typep (make-array 0 :element-type '<aet-y>)
          '(array <aet-y>))

 Since (array <aet-x>) and (array <aet-y>) are different names for
 exactly the same set of objects, these names should be type-equivalent.
 That implies that the following set of tests should also be true:

   (subtypep '(array <aet-x>) '(array <aet-y>))
   (subtypep '(array <aet-y>) '(array <aet-x>))

 Additionally, to show that un-equivalent type-specifiers that use the
 same specialized array type should be equivalent as element-type
 specifiers, the following type tests should be true:

   (typep (make-array 0 :element-type '<aet-y>)
          '(array <aet-x>))
   (typep (make-array 0 :element-type '<aet-x>)
          '(array <aet-y>))


 This proposal legitimizes current practice, and removes the obscure and
 un-useful distinction between type-specifiers "for declaration" and
 "for discrimination".  The suggested changes to the interpretation of
 array and complex type-specifiers follow from defining type-specifiers
 as names for collections of objects, on TYPEP being a set membership
 test, and SUBTYPEP a subset test on collections of objects.

Current Practice:

 Every vendor's implementation that the proposer has queried has a finite 
 set of specialized array representations, such that two non-equivalent 
 element types can be found that use the same specialized array 
 representation; this includes Lucid, Vaxlisp, Symbolics, TI, Franz,
 and Xerox. Most implementations fail tests [A] and [C] part 1, but pass
 tests [A] and [C] part 2; this is a consequence of implementing the
 distinction between "for declaration" and "for discrimination".  Lucid
 and Xerox both pass test [B], and the other implementations fail it.
 The Explorer returns NIL for all six tests in [A], [B], and [C].

 Allegedly, the PCLS implementation does no "upgrading"; each array
 "remembers" exactly the type-specifier handed to the MAKE-ARRAY call
 that created it.  Thus the test cases are not applicable to PCLS,
 since the precondition cannot be met (i.e., find two non-type-equivalent
 type-specifiers that are non-trivially upgraded by make-array).

 Only the TI Explorer offers any specialized representation for complexes;
 part types of SINGLE-FLOAT and DOUBLE-FLOAT are specialized.

Cost to Implementors:

 This proposal is an incompatible change to the current language
 specification, but only a small amount of work should be required in
 each vendor's implementation of TYPEP and SUBTYPEP.

Cost to Users:

 Because of the prevalence of confusion in this area, it seems unlikely
 that any user code will have to be changed.  In fact, it is more likely
 that some of the vendors will cease to get bug reports about MAKE-ARRAY
 returning a result that isn't of "the obvious type".  Since the change
 is incompatible, some user code might have to be changed.

Cost of non-adoption:

 Continuing confusion in the user community.


 It will greatly reduce confusion in the user community.  The fact that
 (MAKE-ARRAY <n> :ELEMENT-TYPE '<type>) frequently is not of type 
 (ARRAY <type>) has been very confusing to almost everyone.  

 Portability of applications will be increased slightly, since
 the behavior of 
     (TYPEP (MAKE-ARRAY <n> :ELEMENT-TYPE <type>) '(ARRAY <type>))
  will no longer be implementation-dependent. 


 Reducing the confusing distinction between type-specifiers "for
 declaration" and "for discrimination" is a simplifying step -- it is a
 much simpler rule to state that the type-specifiers actually describe
 the collections of data they purport to name.  Thus this is a step
 towards increased elegance.


 This issue was prompted by a lengthy discussion on the Common Lisp
 mailing list.  See for example a series of exchanges started on Thu, 
 17 Dec 87 10:48:05 PST by Jeff Barnett <jbarnett@nrtc.northrop.com>
 under the subject line of "Types in CL".  See also the exchange started 
 Wed, 6 Jan 88 23:21:16 PST by Jon L White <edsel!jonl@labrea.stanford.edu>
 under the subject line of "TYPEP warp implications"

 Although the types STRING,  BIT-VECTOR,  SIMPLE-STRING, and 
 SIMPLE-BIT-VECTOR are subtypes of the ARRAY type, they are not
 specifically discussed in this proposal.  The reason is that 
 they are not type-specifiers "that specialize", but are merely 
 abbreviations as follows:
   STRING             ==  (VECTOR STRING-CHAR)
   BIT-VECTOR         ==  (VECTOR BIT)
 Thus their semantics could be affected only in an implementation that
 doesn't support a specific "specialized storage" type for arrays of
 bits and vectors of string-chars.  But in fact, every CL implementation 
 must appear to support "specialized storage" for bit-arrays and strings,
 even if it means nothing more than remembering the fact that such an
 array was created with that element-type.  This is required in order
 for strings, bit-vectors,  and bit-arrays to be disjoint datatypes 
 (see CLtL p.34; see also the definitions of BIT-ARRAY and STRING found 
 in CLtL p.293, Section 17.4, and in CLtL p.299.)

 We considered the possibility of flushing the permission to "upgrade";
 for example, it could be made a requirement that:
 always be equal to <type> (or, at least type-equivalent to <type>)
 for all valid type specifiers <type>.  This has several problems: it
 increases the storage requirement for many kinds of arrays, and hides
 a relevant part of the underlying implementation for no apparently 
 good reason.  However, it would increase portability, since it would be 
 much more difficult, for example, to write a program that created an
 array with one element-type, say, (UNSIGNED-BYTE 5), but operated on it 
 assuming a non-trivial upgraded element-type, say, (UNSIGNED-BYTE 8).
 Under this proposal, it is valid for an implementation of MAKE-ARRAY 
 to have arrays "remember" the type-equivalence class of the original 
 :element-type argument; such an implementation would satisfy all of 
 the  constraints listed above.

 We considered a suggestion to restrict the set of "known" array element 
 types; this would gain portability at the expense of limiting the 

 We considered leaving out of the proposal the addition of the two
 But it was noted that every implementation of CL supports exactly
 that functionality somewhere in its implementation of MAKE-ARRAY; and
 exposing this to the user would be a good thing.  Furthermore, the
 existence of at least UPGRADED-ARRAY-ELEMENT-TYPE makes the clarifications
 on "upgrading" and SUBTYPEP implications easier.  Finally, there would
 be no other way at all to pinpoint just how complex parts are upgraded,
 since there is no type information available except for the actual
 types of the parts.

 Since this proposal contains the implication:
     (ARRAY <type1>)  is-type-equivalent-to  (ARRAY <type2>)
      <type1>  is-type-equivalent-to  <type2>
 then the question naturally arises "Does the reverse implication hold?"  
 That is, should two non-EQ but type-equivalent type-specifiers <type1>
 and <type2> always give rise to the same array types?   For example, 
 consider SHORT-FLOAT and SINGLE-FLOAT in an implementation where these 
 are type-equivalent (see CLtL section 2.1.3).  One may desire to implement 
 (ARRAY SHORT-FLOAT) and (ARRAY SINGLE-FLOAT) differently.  Say, for example 
 that the former is packed into 16-bit half-words, whereas the latter is 
 packed into 32-bit words; but for either kind of packing, the result of 
 AREF is an ordinary "single-float".  The whole point of the type-specifier
 to make-array is merely to specify a packing technique for "packed float" 
 arrays.  This "krinkle", however, will not be addressed by the proposal 
 herein; it should simply be remembered that the implication above goes 
 only one way, and is not an "if-and-only-if" link.