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Issue: CLOSE-CONSTRUCTED-STREAMS (not yet submitted)

This is the name for the issue of what CLOSE does on  streams made from
strings or other streams. If there are no other opinions, I will put
together a writeup with Moon's choices.

    What does it mean to CLOSE a composite stream ( broadcast two-way
    concatenated) ? The choices I can think of are:
    a) no effect
    b) implementation dependent (ugh)
    c) closes constituent streams
    d) the composite stream is "closed" (no I/O operations allowed) but
	    the constituents are not.

I prefer c.

    What does it mean to close a constructed stream (e.g., STRING)? 
    a) no effect
    b) implementation dependent (ugh)
    c) the constructed stream is "closed" (no I/O operations allowed).

I prefer a or c.