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Welcome to the Common Lisp Object-Oriented Programming Subgroup.
In order to mail to this group, send to the address:
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you can nickname SU-AI.ARPA as SAIL. An archive of messages is kept on
SAIL in the file:
You can read this file or FTP it away without logging in to SAIL.
To communicate with the moderator, send to the address:
Here is a list of the people who are currently on the mailing list:
Person Affiliation Net Address
Richard Greenblatt LMI "rg%oz"@mc
Scott Fahlman CMU fahlman@cmuc
Eric Schoen Stanford schoen@sumex
Gordon Novak Univ. of Texas novak@utexas-20
Kent Pitman MIT kmp@mc
Dick Gabriel Stanford/Lucid rpg@sail
David Wile ISI Wile@ISI-VAXA
Martin Griss HP griss.hplabs@csnet-relay (I hope)
Walter VanRoggen DEC wvanroggen@dec-marlboro
Richard Zippel MIT rz@mc
Dan Oldman Data General not established
Larry Stabile Apollo not established
Bob Kessler Univ. of Utah kessler@utah-20
Steve Krueger TI krueger.ti-csl@csnet-relay
Carl Hewitt MIT hewitt-common-objects@mc
Alan Snyder HP snyder.hplabs@csnet-relay
Jerry Barber Gold Hill jerryb@mc
Bob Kerns Symbolics rwk@mc
Don Allen BBN allen@bbnf
David Moon Symbolics moon@scrc-stonybrook
Glenn Burke MIT GSB@mc
Tom Bylander Ohio State bylander@rutgers
Richard Soley MIT Soley@mc
Dan Weinreb Symbolics DLW@scrc-stonybrook
Guy Steele Tartan steele@tl-20a
Jim Meehan Cognitive Sys. meehan@yale
Chris Reisbeck Yale riesbeck@yale
The first order of business is for each of us to ask people we know who may
be interested in this subgroup if they would like to be added to this list.
Next, we ought to consider who might wish to be the chairman of this subgroup.
Before this happens, I think we ought to wait until the list is more nearly
complete. For example, there are no representatives of Xerox, and I think we
agree that LOOPS should be studied before we make any decisions.