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Implementability is not the same as semantics. Methods are not functions.
(Methods include functions as parts. In fact, they can have generic
functions as parts.)

This debate is or ought to be about what methods are and what generic
functions are.  Virtually all arguments I have seen that argue that
indefinite is correct also apply to TAGBODY's and GO's. If a method is
not a function, what is the etymology of ``CALL-NEXT-METHOD.''

Imagine a generic function with many methods - broken down into roughly
equal numbers of :around methods, :before methods, primary methods, and
:after methods. Suppose the generic function is invoked and after a couple
of primary methods are executed, a closure is thrown out that captures
CALL-NEXT-METHOD. Two years later someone stumbles across this closure and
FUNCALL's it. We're all happy to see the primary methods complete, and the
intended :after and :around methods ignored? (Of course, they didn't
complete the first time either, though the :before methods were executed.)

To me the execution of a generic function is a black box, just as TAGBODY
is.  Because it is a black box, my understanding of the semantics of it
naturally includes the fact that CALL-NEXT-METHOD has ``hidden state.''
That is, to me an activation of a generic function includes imposing a
control structure on the methods and causing the functional objects
associated with methods to be invoked according to that control structure.
CALL-NEXT-METHOD is part of the control structure but not all of it. This
can be seen because the ``capturing of hidden state'' in my example does
not capture enough of the state to cause the generic function to complete.
If the method combination type were a linear CALL-NEXT-METHOD chain, the
effect would be the completion of the second part of the generic function.

Therefore, interrupting it strikes me as undesirable.  Secondly, behavior
such as shown in my example strikes me as undesirable.

It is important for you to understand that my arguments about hidden state
follow from a decision about a principle - the black-box nature of the
execution of generic functions. They do not follow from imagining an
implementation and then reasoning about it. If you do not believe in the
black-box nature of the execution of generic functions, you will construct
arguments, semantics, and implementations that eliminate the hidden state.
If I were to accept the clear-box nature of generic function execution, I
would also explain the semantics with a nest of closures.
