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- To: cl-steering@SU-AI.ARPA
- Subject: EuLisp
- Date: 22 Apr 1986 05:42-PST
- Cc: Mathis@USC-ISIF.ARPA
I had planned to go to the EuLisp meeting in Paris on May 5, but
it has just been changed to Erlangen, Germany, on May 2. So I
will not be going. I just talked to Jerome Chailloux. They
intend to finish their first draft at that meeting and distribute
it on the Common Lisp electronic mailing list. Their next
meeting will probably be June 2 in Bath England. I will try to
go to that one. (Just like everybody, I need 3-4 weeks planning
lead time.) Their August meeting will be in Boston at the same
time as the Lisp Conference. We should probably plan some
information on Common Lisp standardization activities for that
conference. What's appropriate?
-- Bob