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Patches for CLX under Lucid 3.0 and X11R2

The following diffs are for release TWO (sorry, we've been in a
tearing hurry and haven't used release three yet) of X11 CLX, running
under Lucid 3.0.  They assume you have applied my previous patches
(sent out to bug-clx only several months ago).  There are two purposes
in these patches: 1: adding several places where more process locking
is required to prevent "Received a reply when none was expected"
errors, and 2: I/O speedups.  The file dependent.l is the one directed
towards I/O speedups, the rest are process locking.  I hope to start
using R3 soon and send out a message saying either "the same patches
will work" or "here's a new set for R3".  However, since announcing at
the X conference that I had changes to CLX I've been being deluged
with fan mail asking for the changes, so here they are, a bit early
and only guaranteed for R2.  The I/O speedups rely on Lucid's 3.0 I/O
system, which is incompatible with Lucid 2.1, so all of these hacks
are under #+LCL3.0.
					yduJ (Judy Anderson)
					Lucid East

*** lib/CLX/dependent.l	Fri Oct 21 22:40:11 1988
--- lib/LUCID-CLX/dependent.lisp	Thu Feb  9 10:44:32 1989
*** 428,437 ****
  (defun radians->int16 (value)
    ;; Short floats are good enough
!   (declare (type float value))
    (declare-values int16)
!   (the int16 (identity (round (* value 180.0s0 64.0s0) #.(coerce pi 'short-float)))))
  (defun int16->radians (value)
    ;; Short floats are good enough
--- 428,439 ----
  (defun radians->int16 (value)
    ;; Short floats are good enough
!   ;; Note that this gets called with integer zero sometimes and not all 
!   ;; implementations will have integer zero and float zero the same... --yduJ
! ;  (declare (type float value))
    (declare-values int16)
!   (the int16 (identity (round (* (float value) 180.0s0 64.0s0) #.(coerce pi 'short-float)))))
  (defun int16->radians (value)
    ;; Short floats are good enough
*** 886,897 ****
  		     (c-read-bytes fd vector start end))))))))))
  ;;; WARNING:
  ;;;	CLX performance will suffer if your lisp uses read-byte for
  ;;;	receiving all data from the X Window System server.
  ;;;	You are encouraged to write a specialized version of
  ;;;	buffer-read-default that does block transfers.
! #-(or symbolics-3600 explorer excl)
  (defmacro CL-read-bytes (stream vector start end)
    `(do* ((i ,start (index+ i 1))
  	 (c nil))
--- 888,963 ----
  		     (c-read-bytes fd vector start end))))))))))
+ #+lcl3.0
+ (defmacro fast-read-bytes (stream vector start end)
+   `(do* ((i ,start (index+ i 1))
+ 	 (c nil))
+ 	((index>= i ,end) nil)
+      (declare (type array-index i)
+ 	      (type (or null card8) c))
+      (setq c (lcl:fast-read-byte ,stream (unsigned-byte 8) nil nil))
+      (if c
+ 	 (setf (aref ,vector i) c)
+ 	 (return t))))
+ #+lcl3.0
+ (defmacro extract-underlying-stream (stream display direction)
+   ;;;Our job is to quickly get at the underlying stream for this display's
+   ;;;input stream structure.
+   `(let ((pair (assoc ,direction (display-plist ,display))))
+      (if pair (second pair)
+ 	 (progn 
+ 	   (push (list ,direction
+ 		       (lucid::underlying-stream ,stream ,direction))
+ 		 (display-plist ,display))
+ 	   (second (assoc ,direction (display-plist ,display)))))))
+ #+lcl3.0
+ (defun buffer-read-default (display vector start end timeout)
+   ;;Note that LISTEN must still be done on "slow stream" or the I/O system
+   ;;gets confused.  But reading should be done from "fast stream" for speed.
+   ;;We inhibit scheduling when reading because there seem to be races in 
+   ;;Lucid's multitasking implementation.
+   (declare (type display display)
+ 	   (type buffer-bytes vector)
+ 	   (type array-index start end)
+ 	   (type (or null number) timeout)
+ 	   (optimize (speed 3)
+ 		     (safety 0)))
+   (let* ((stream (display-input-stream display))
+ 	 (fast-stream (extract-underlying-stream stream display :input)))
+     (cond ((or (null timeout)
+ 	       (listen stream))
+ 	   (lcl:with-scheduling-inhibited
+ 	       (fast-read-bytes fast-stream vector start end))
+ 	   nil)				;return NIL, it expects that
+ 	  ((or (minusp timeout) (zerop timeout))
+ 	   ;;negative timeout means try once, Jerry's hack.  Zerop seems
+ 	   ;;to *also* mean try once; don't understand why Jerry wanted -1.
+ 	   (if (listen stream)
+ 	       (lcl:with-scheduling-inhibited
+ 		   (fast-read-bytes fast-stream vector start end))
+ 	       :timeout))
+ 	  (timeout ;otherwise we have a bona-fide timeout on our hands which
+                    ;we should wait for.
+ 	   (let ((input-appeared
+ 		  (lucid::waiting-for-input-from-stream fast-stream
+                      (lucid::with-io-unlocked
+ 			 (lcl:process-wait-with-timeout
+ 			   "Waiting for CLX server response"
+ 			   timeout #'listen stream)))))
+ 	     (if input-appeared
+ 		 (lcl:with-scheduling-inhibited
+ 		     (fast-read-bytes fast-stream vector start end))
+ 		 :timeout))))))
  ;;; WARNING:
  ;;;	CLX performance will suffer if your lisp uses read-byte for
  ;;;	receiving all data from the X Window System server.
  ;;;	You are encouraged to write a specialized version of
  ;;;	buffer-read-default that does block transfers.
! #-(or symbolics-3600 explorer excl lcl3.0)
  (defmacro CL-read-bytes (stream vector start end)
    `(do* ((i ,start (index+ i 1))
  	 (c nil))
*** 904,913 ****
  	 (return t))))
  ;; Poll for input every *buffer-read-polling-time* SECONDS.
! #-(or symbolics-3600 explorer excl)
  (defparameter *buffer-read-polling-time* 0.5)
! #-(or symbolics-3600 explorer excl)
  (defun buffer-read-default (display vector start end timeout)
    (declare (type display display)
  	   (type buffer-bytes vector)
--- 970,979 ----
  	 (return t))))
  ;; Poll for input every *buffer-read-polling-time* SECONDS.
! #-(or symbolics-3600 explorer excl lcl3.0)
  (defparameter *buffer-read-polling-time* 0.5)
! #-(or symbolics-3600 explorer excl lcl3.0)
  (defun buffer-read-default (display vector start end timeout)
    (declare (type display display)
  	   (type buffer-bytes vector)
*** 955,960 ****
--- 1021,1042 ----
  			     vector start end))
        (error "X write failed:  socket dead!")))
+ #+lcl3.0
+ (defun buffer-write-default (vector display start end)
+   ;;We inhibit scheduling here because there seem to be races in Lucid's
+   ;;multitasking implementation.  Anyway, when we take it out we get bugs!
+   (declare (type display display)
+ 	   (type buffer-bytes vector)
+ 	   (type array-index start end)
+ 	   (optimize (:tail-merge nil)
+ 		     (speed 3)
+ 		     (safety 0)))
+   (lcl:with-scheduling-inhibited
+       (lcl:write-array
+ 	(extract-underlying-stream
+ 	  (display-output-stream display) display :output)
+ 	vector start end)))
  ;;; WARNING:
  ;;;	CLX performance will be severely degraded if your lisp uses
  ;;;	write-byte to send all data to the X Window System server.
*** 961,967 ****
  ;;;	You are STRONGLY encouraged to write a specialized version
  ;;;	of buffer-write-default that does block transfers.
! #-(or symbolics-3600 explorer excl)
  (defun buffer-write-default (vector display start end)
    ;; The default buffer write function for use with common-lisp streams
    (declare (type buffer-bytes vector)
--- 1043,1049 ----
  ;;;	You are STRONGLY encouraged to write a specialized version
  ;;;	of buffer-write-default that does block transfers.
! #-(or symbolics-3600 explorer excl lcl3.0)
  (defun buffer-write-default (vector display start end)
    ;; The default buffer write function for use with common-lisp streams
    (declare (type buffer-bytes vector)

*** lib/CLX/attributes.l	Thu Apr  7 14:27:34 1988
--- lib/LUCID-CLX/attributes.lisp	Mon Feb  6 12:24:13 1989
*** 269,288 ****
  	      (deallocate-gcontext-state (state-geometry-changes state-entry))
  	      (setf (state-geometry-changes state-entry) nil))
  	    ;; Get drawable attributes
! 	    (with-buffer-request (display *x-getgeometry* :no-after)
! 	      (drawable drawable))
! 	    (let ((buffer (or (state-geometry state-entry)
! 			      (allocate-context))))
! 	      (wait-for-reply display *geometry-size*)
! 	      ;; Copy into event from reply buffer
! 	      (buffer-replace (reply-ibuf8 buffer)
! 			      (reply-ibuf8 (buffer-reply-buffer display))
! 			      0
! 			      *geometry-size*)
! 	      (when state-entry
! 		(setf (state-geometry state-entry) buffer))
! 	      (display-invoke-after-function display)
! 	      buffer))))))
  (defun put-window-attribute-changes (window changes)
    ;; change window attributes
--- 269,289 ----
  	      (deallocate-gcontext-state (state-geometry-changes state-entry))
  	      (setf (state-geometry-changes state-entry) nil))
  	    ;; Get drawable attributes
! 	    (with-input-lock (display)
! 	      (with-buffer-request (display *x-getgeometry* :no-after)
! 		(drawable drawable))
! 	      (let ((buffer (or (state-geometry state-entry)
! 				(allocate-context))))
! 		(wait-for-reply display *geometry-size*)
! 		;; Copy into event from reply buffer
! 		(buffer-replace (reply-ibuf8 buffer)
! 				(reply-ibuf8 (buffer-reply-buffer display))
! 				0
! 				*geometry-size*)
! 		(when state-entry
! 		  (setf (state-geometry state-entry) buffer))
! 		(display-invoke-after-function display)
! 		buffer)))))))
  (defun put-window-attribute-changes (window changes)
    ;; change window attributes
*** lib/CLX/macros.l	Wed Jun 29 17:46:39 1988
--- lib/LUCID-CLX/macros.lisp	Mon Feb  6 12:24:24 1989
*** 725,733 ****
    (declare-arglist (buffer &optional size &key sizes) &body body)
    (let ((buf (gensym)))
      `(let ((,buf ,buffer))
!        (wait-for-reply ,buf ,size)
!        (reading-buffer-reply (,buf ,@options)
! 	 ,@body))))
  (defmacro compare-request ((index) &body body)
    `(macrolet ((write-card32 (index item) `(= ,item (read-card32 ,index)))
--- 725,735 ----
    (declare-arglist (buffer &optional size &key sizes) &body body)
    (let ((buf (gensym)))
      `(let ((,buf ,buffer))
!        ;;;This better always be called with a display.
!        (with-input-lock (,buf)
! 	 (wait-for-reply ,buf ,size)
! 	 (reading-buffer-reply (,buf ,@options)
! 			       ,@body)))))
  (defmacro compare-request ((index) &body body)
    `(macrolet ((write-card32 (index item) `(= ,item (read-card32 ,index)))
*** lib/CLX/graphics.l	Wed Jun 29 17:47:57 1988
--- lib/LUCID-CLX/graphics.lisp	Mon Feb  6 12:24:21 1989
*** 422,438 ****
    (let ((display (drawable-display drawable))
  	seq depth visual)
      (with-display (display)
!       (with-buffer-request (display *x-getimage* :no-after)
! 	((data (member error :xy-pixmap :z-pixmap)) format)
! 	(drawable drawable)
! 	(int16 x y)
! 	(card16 width height)
! 	(card32 plane-mask))
!       (with-buffer-reply (display nil :sizes (8 32))
! 	(setq depth (card8-get 1)
! 	      visual (resource-id-get 8))
! 	(let ((length (* 4 (card32-get 4))))
! 	  (setq seq (sequence-get :result-type result-type :format card8
! 				  :length length :start start :data data)))))
      (display-invoke-after-function display)
      (values seq depth visual)))
--- 422,439 ----
    (let ((display (drawable-display drawable))
  	seq depth visual)
      (with-display (display)
!       (with-input-lock (display)
! 	(with-buffer-request (display *x-getimage* :no-after)
! 	  ((data (member error :xy-pixmap :z-pixmap)) format)
! 	  (drawable drawable)
! 	  (int16 x y)
! 	  (card16 width height)
! 	  (card32 plane-mask))
! 	(with-buffer-reply (display nil :sizes (8 32))
! 	  (setq depth (card8-get 1)
! 		visual (resource-id-get 8))
! 	  (let ((length (* 4 (card32-get 4))))
! 	    (setq seq (sequence-get :result-type result-type :format card8
! 				    :length length :start start :data data))))))
      (display-invoke-after-function display)
      (values seq depth visual)))
*** lib/CLX/requests.l	Mon Jul 18 13:59:12 1988
--- lib/LUCID-CLX/requests.lisp	Mon Feb  6 12:24:26 1989
*** 1085,1091 ****
    (declare (type colormap colormap)
  	   (type card16 colors planes)
  	   (type boolean contiguous-p)
! 	   (type t result-type)) ;; CL type
    (declare-values (sequence pixel) (sequence mask))
    (let ((display (colormap-display colormap))
  	pixel-sequence mask-sequence)
--- 1085,1091 ----
    (declare (type colormap colormap)
  	   (type card16 colors planes)
  	   (type boolean contiguous-p)
! 	   (type t result-type));; CL type
    (declare-values (sequence pixel) (sequence mask))
    (let ((display (colormap-display colormap))
  	pixel-sequence mask-sequence)
*** 1094,1106 ****
  	((data boolean) contiguous-p)
  	(colormap colormap)
  	(card16 colors planes))
!       (with-buffer-reply (display nil :sizes 16)
! 	(let ((npixels (card16-get 8))
! 	      (nmasks (card16-get 10)))
! 	  (setq pixel-sequence 
! 		(sequence-get :result-type result-type :length npixels))
! 	  (setq mask-sequence
! 		(sequence-get :result-type result-type :length nmasks)))))
      (display-invoke-after-function display)
      (values pixel-sequence mask-sequence)))
--- 1094,1107 ----
  	((data boolean) contiguous-p)
  	(colormap colormap)
  	(card16 colors planes))
!       (with-input-lock (display)
! 	  (with-buffer-reply (display nil :sizes 16)
! 	    (let ((npixels (card16-get 8))
! 		  (nmasks (card16-get 10)))
! 	      (setq pixel-sequence 
! 		    (sequence-get :result-type result-type :length npixels))
! 	      (setq mask-sequence
! 		    (sequence-get :result-type result-type :length nmasks))))))
      (display-invoke-after-function display)
      (values pixel-sequence mask-sequence)))
*** 1201,1219 ****
    (let ((display (colormap-display colormap))
      (with-display (display)
!       (with-buffer-request (display *x-querycolors* :no-after)
! 	(colormap colormap)
! 	(sequence pixels))
!       (wait-for-reply display nil)
!       (reading-buffer-reply (display :sizes (8 16))
! 	(let* ((ncolors (card16-get 8)))
! 	  (setq sequence (make-sequence result-type ncolors))
! 	  (dotimes (i ncolors sequence)
! 	    (buffer-input display buffer-bbuf 0 8)
! 	    (setf (elt sequence i)
! 		  (make-color :red (rgb-val-get 0)
! 			      :green (rgb-val-get 2)
! 			      :blue (rgb-val-get 4)))))))
      (display-invoke-after-function display)
--- 1202,1221 ----
    (let ((display (colormap-display colormap))
      (with-display (display)
!       (with-input-lock (display)
! 	(with-buffer-request (display *x-querycolors* :no-after)
! 	  (colormap colormap)
! 	  (sequence pixels))
! 	(wait-for-reply display nil)
! 	(reading-buffer-reply (display :sizes (8 16))
! 			      (let* ((ncolors (card16-get 8)))
! 				(setq sequence (make-sequence result-type ncolors))
! 				(dotimes (i ncolors sequence)
! 				  (buffer-input display buffer-bbuf 0 8)
! 				  (setf (elt sequence i)
! 					(make-color :red (rgb-val-get 0)
! 						    :green (rgb-val-get 2)
! 						    :blue (rgb-val-get 4))))))))
      (display-invoke-after-function display)