CLIM mail archive
Is there a CLIM version of tv:momentary-multiple-menu?
Date: Tue, 23 Jul 1991 14:02 EDT
I need to display a list of items, and let the user select as many as needed,
press DO IT and return a list of the items selected.
If I were in DW, I would do this with
But I want to use CLIM. Is there an easy way to do it with CLIM?
Since a number of people have asked for this, I guess it's time to
just forward the hack I wrote to do it. Here it is. To paraphrase:
the code expressed below is mine, not necessarily that of my employer.
No warranties offered or implied.
;;; -*- Base: 10; Package: CLIM; Mode: LISP; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Lowercase: Yes -*-
(export 'clim::(menu-multiple-choose)
(define-presentation-type menu-multiple-choose-selection ())
(defun menu-multiple-choose (item-list
&key (associated-window
(frame-top-level-window *application-frame*))
default-style label (printer #'print-menu-item)
max-width max-height n-rows n-columns
inter-column-spacing inter-row-spacing
(cell-align-x ':left) (cell-align-y ':top))
(with-menu (stream associated-window)
(setf (window-label stream) label)
(with-end-of-page-action (:allow stream)
(with-end-of-line-action (:allow stream)
(with-text-style (default-style stream)
(let ((selections (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (list x nil)) item-list))
(selection-pieces ())
;;--- Need this first-piece kludge to work around a redisplay
;;--- bug that causes the first item to be erased whenever
;;--- any other item is redisplayed.
(first-piece nil))
;; Display all the selections, collecting redisplay pieces as we go
(formatting-item-list (stream :max-width max-width :max-height max-height
:n-rows n-rows :n-columns n-columns
:inter-column-spacing inter-column-spacing
:inter-row-spacing inter-row-spacing)
(dolist (selection selections)
(formatting-cell (stream :align-x cell-align-x :align-y cell-align-y)
(let ((piece (let ((selection selection))
(updating-output (stream)
(updating-output (stream :unique-id selection
:cache-value (second selection))
(:stream stream
:object selection
:type 'menu-multiple-choose-selection)
(if (second selection)
(with-text-face (:bold stream)
(funcall printer (first selection) stream))
(funcall printer (first selection) stream))))))))
(when (null first-piece)
(setq first-piece piece))
(push (list selection piece) selection-pieces)))))
;; Display the exit boxes
(let ((exit "<End> uses these values")
(abort "<Abort> aborts"))
(terpri stream)
(updating-output (stream :unique-id stream
:cache-value 'exit-boxes)
(with-output-as-presentation (:stream stream
:type 'accept-values-exit-box
:object ':abort)
(write-string abort stream))
(write-string ", " stream)
(with-output-as-presentation (:stream stream
:type 'accept-values-exit-box
:object ':exit)
(write-string exit stream)))
(terpri stream))
;; Size and expose the multiple-choice menu
(size-menu-appropriately stream)
(multiple-value-bind (x y)
(stream-pointer-position-in-window-coordinates (window-parent stream))
(position-window-near-carefully stream x y))
(window-expose stream)
;; Now read from the menu
(with-input-focus (stream)
(with-input-context ('accept-values-exit-box :override t)
(with-input-context ('menu-multiple-choose-selection)
(read-gesture :stream stream)
(setf (second selection) (not (second selection)))
(let ((piece (second (assoc selection selection-pieces))))
(when piece
(redisplay piece stream)
(unless (eql piece first-piece)
(replay first-piece stream))))))
(ecase exit
(return-from menu-multiple-choose nil))
(return-from menu-multiple-choose
(mapcan #'(lambda (selection)
(and (second selection)
(list (menu-item-value (first selection)))))
#| (menu-multiple-choose (loop for i below 40 collect (cons (format nil "~R" i) i))) |#
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