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clim problem
I am trying to have several menus in several windows active at the
same time; is it possible.
There is one one main window, with a main menu and several objects;
the objects are mouse sensitive, so when one is selected, a window
is opened with some information about the object. Now, the user has
to discard the window, if he wants to go further. But I would like
to give the user the ability to have several such windows active
at the same time. to open some more and to close some others...
How must I do ?
I am currently doing something like this :
(define-heart-simulator-command select-cardio-vascular-object
((o 'p-cardio-vascular-object
:gesture :select))
(let* ((w (open-window-stream :parent *clim-root*
:label (tl-to-string (print-name o)))))
(menu-choose-from-drawer w 'string
#'(lambda (stream type)
(formatting-table (stream) ;
(printer o #'(lambda (sn sv stream) ;
(formatting-row (stream) ;
(formatting-cell (stream) ;
(format stream "~A" sn)) ;
(formatting-cell (stream) ;
(format stream "~A" sv)))) ;
:stream stream))
(format stream "~%~%")
;; This is the only menu item in the window.
(present "DISCARD" type :stream stream)))))
Jean-Pascal Baechler
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