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presentation history question

Does anybody have a small example of an application frame that illustrates
how you would implement multiple presentation output history records so
that there is one per application pane in the application frame if you have
multiple application panes in the layout?

Presently, I have my own top-level output-history for my presentations in
my application frame, but I need to reduce the overhead of tracking by
having multiple output-histories that are defined per pane.  I haven't
been able to figure out how you bind top-level histories to each pane?

I heard from several people about using quad trees and such, but just how
do you do it?  Right now I maintain a huge list of presentations in a
slot on my application frame.  How do you force a presentation created
ala (with-output-presentation (:object whatever :type 'whatever-type
				:stream a-pane) ....) to go to your own
history rather than that particular pane's output-record`s
top-level-coordinated-sorted-set slot?  No where is there an explanation on
this?  How do you override that default mechanism on the panes?

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