CLIM mail archive
RE: Command tables/menus (CLIM 1.0)
To: clim <clim@BBN.COM>, Curt Eggemeyer <>
Subject: RE: Command tables/menus (CLIM 1.0)
From: Schneider Daniel <>
Date: Tue, 12 May 1992 12:02:23 +0200
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> From: Curt Eggemeyer <>
> This is a quickie how to question. My situation is as follows:
> I want each of my command-tables to appear as a single item on my
> :command-menu pane. When I click on one of them then a sub-menu of a
> subset of the commands within that command-table to appear for selection.
> I also want every command within all of my commands invokable from an
> interactor pane. I know I can use add-menu-item-to-command-table or include the sub-command spec in the define-command-table :menu form, but that
> means I have my menu specification separate from my command which seems
> messy. Is there a way to get something like the example below to do what
> I want? Is there something trivial I am missing?
I use "menu-choose-command-from-command-table" and
"execute-frame-command" quite often. Both are documented in the
manual. Maybe you could use that too. There is some advantage in
writing an extra command for popping up a menu. It will allow you to
tie a menu also to a mouse gesture and every user gesture goes through a
command (I never use "menu-choose" for selecting operations, but use
commands instead).
I don't know whether this is the right way to do things, any comments?
cheers - Daniel
(defmacro execute-command-from-menu (frame
&optional (label "Choose a command")
(object nil))
"Pops up a menu of a command table and executes a selected command"
`(let ((command (menu-choose-command-from-command-table
:cache t
:default-style *pop-up-menu-font*
:associated-window (frame-top-level-window ,frame)
:label ,label)))
(when command
(if ,object
(execute-frame-command ,frame
;; this builds a command object (cons of name + args)
(list (car command) ,object))
(execute-frame-command ,frame command)))
;; Example using this macro
(define-memolab-command (com-lab-exit-load-save-menu :menu "Exit/Load/Save..")
(execute-command-from-menu *application-frame*
"Exit/Load/Save Menu"))
;; A command in the command table
(define-command (com-save-memolab-laboratory
:menu "SAVE Laboratory"
:command-table lab-exit-load-save-menu)
(save-lab clim:*application-frame*)
;; .......
;; ----------------
;; Example of two different menus doing the same thing. In the first you can
;; click on an object and then select from the menu. In the second you first
;; select an object form a menu and then select a command.
;; pops up a menu of commands in a command-table
(define-memolab-command (com-direct-events-menu)
((obj 'lab-events :gesture :choice))
(execute-command-from-menu *application-frame*
"Events Menu"
(defun object-and-operation-menu (stream object-list command-or-function
&optional (label "Make a Selection"))
"takes a list of objects, lets the user select one and applies function"
(let ((obj
`(,@(mapcar #'(lambda (obj)
(name-string obj)
:value obj))
;; :cache t
:n-columns 3
:cell-align-x :left
:default-style *pop-up-menu-small-font*
:associated-window stream
:label label)
(when obj
(funcall command-or-function obj))))
;; makes a call to the command above
(define-command (com-display-events-then-direct-events-menu
:menu "DO something with an event"
:command-table lab-event-menu-table)
(object-and-operation-menu (frame-top-level-window *application-frame*)
(lab-database-events (memolab-laboratory *application-frame*))
#'com-direct-events-menu ;; <====
"Select an Event"))
Daniel K.Schneider, TECFA (Educational Technologies and Learning)
Faculte de Psychologie et des Sciences de l'Education, University of Geneva,
1211 Geneva 4 (Switzerland), Tel.(..41)22 705 7652, Fax. (..41) 22 20 29 27.
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