CLIM mail archive


Re: drawing DAGs

  Date:     Wed, 27 May 92 17:30:01 MET DST
  From:     Bernd Bachmann <>
  To:       clim@BBN.COM
  Subject:  drawing DAGs
  Organization:  German Research Center for AI (DFKI)
  I would like to draw DAGs in CLIM; that is: real DAGs where each node
  occurs only once.
  Though Genera's CLIM documentation describes
  "clim:format-graph-from-root" behaving such way, in the example in the
  User's Guide nodes are drawn two times though they are identical from
  the LISP point of view. I assume that the :key parameter of the
  function is not evaluated since an undefined function as argument does
  not cause any error. Hence, there is no function that tries to find
  identical nodes based on this parameter.
  Has anybody fixed this problem?
  - Bernd Bachmann
All you get is trees.  DAGs not yet implemented.  Wait for clim 2.0.


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