CLIM mail archive
Duplicate Nodes in Graphs
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1992 21:51+0200
From: Richard Hull <unido!!hull>
Thanks to the people who responded to my question about formatting graphs
in CLIM version 1.0 (basically it was: get CLIM version 1.1 and use the
:merge-duplicates keyword). But this still doesn't seem to work. The call
I'm making looks like the following:
#'(lambda( node ) (and (atom (first node)) (cdr node)))
:merge-duplicates t
:orientation ':vertical
where tree is a list of the form ((a (b c d (e ...] and print-func is
my function which uses clim:surrounding-output-with-border to display
the node names in rectangles.
For some reason the merge-duplicates keyword is not doing the job
because I still have duplicate nodes. What is interesting is if I set
the merge-duplicates keyword to NIL, I still get the duplicate nodes
but they are farther apart, almost as if when :merge-duplicates is
t it tries to merge them but can't quite make it. For example:
:merge-duplicates t :merge-duplicates nil
/ \ / \
\ / | |
Of course what I would like is:
/ \
\ /
Do you have any ideas why this might be happening? Thanks.
First, I urge you to provide the mailing list with running examples
when possible - like in this case. That makes it easier to reproduce
the behavior you observed.
However, I did not receive the behavior you described, instead the
normal, two expected layouts.
But maybe providing an appropriate :duplicates-test function could help
(the default is #`EQL wich might be too strict in your case):
(list (cons 1 (list (cons 2 (list (cons 4 NIL)))
(cons 3 (list (cons 4 NIL))))))
#'(lambda (node stream) (surrounding-output-with-border (stream)
(print (car node) stream)))
#'(lambda (node) (if (atom node) NIL (cdr node)))
:stream *standard-output*
:merge-duplicates T
:orientation :vertical)
I observed two more odd/buggy things about clim:format-graph-from-roots
you should consider in your work:
1) a blank character is added to any node - at least in my example
2) :cutoff-depth doesn't count the depth but instead the total number
of nodes, which is of course incorrect in the general case
Please note: All of my statements are valid for Symbolics CLIM 1.1 only.
Markus Fischer, MF@SGER.UUCP Mergenthaler Allee 77-81
Consulting Services W-6236 Eschborn, Germany
Symbolics Systemhaus GmbH Phone: +49 6196 47220, Fax 481116
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