CLIM mail archive


Re: changing the behavior of display windows.

Hi Jason,
   CLIM lets you specify a :window-class key to a pane definition.
While your window class will have to be system specific you can
probably get away with a few #+'s... e.g., I define

(clim:define-application-frame cpe () ()
   (:panes ((display :application
                          :window-class `grpwin
                          :pt-lst '())

where grpwin is a window class defined as
(clos:defclass grpwin (#+CLX clim::clx-window
                       #+CLOE clim::cloe-window-stream)
               ((pts :initarg :pt-lst :accessor icons)
                (edges :initform '() :initarg :edges :accessor edges)))

   Hope this helps.
          -- Greg

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