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Re: Style and Design question about presentations

> Date: Thu, 6 Aug 92 14:06:22 EDT
> From: Jeff Close <>
> I'm designing an interface for a system that will run parallel to
> another existing system.  My system uses classes defined in the other
> system, but not vice-versa.  The intent is to be able to load either
> in any order and run them separately without them interfering with
> one another.  In System-X I'd like to present objects from System-Y
> differently than they are presented within that system.
> Obviously, I don't want to redefine presentation methods on the
> original System-Y presentations so that they would then be presented
> differently back in System-Y.  Further, if presentation translators
> are defined on those presentations, then I don't want to give the
> original System-Y presentations new behavior.  What's the best way to
> do this?  The essence of this question really begs a pretty basic
> question about presentations and the best way to present the same
> object differently. 

Well, you have to decide what it means to be "in system-X" or "in system-Y" 
and how you're going to communicate that context to the presentation methods.

Perhaps you can use the :view argument to PRESENT as part of your solution.  
That's only a guess though, I don't know its current status.

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