CLIM mail archive
arrows & your answer
Date: Fri, 7 Aug 1992 03:26 EDT
I`m working on Sun with Framz Allegro 4.01 and CLIM 1.0
You need CLIM 1.1
You wrote that the following will work on SUN as draw-arrow:
(in-package :clim)
(define-graphics-operation draw-arrow (x1 y1 x2 y2
&key (from-head nil) (to-head t)
(head-length 10) (head-width 5))
:arguments ((point x1 y1 x2 y2))
:drawing-options :line-cap
(let* ((dx (- x2 x1))
(dy (- y2 y1))
(norm (if (zerop dx)
(if (zerop dy) nil (/ 1.0 (abs dy)))
(if (zerop dy) (/ 1.0 (abs dx)) (/ (sqrt (+ (* dx dx) (* dy dy))))))))
(when norm
(let* ((length-norm (* head-length norm))
(ldx (* dx length-norm))
(ldy (* dy length-norm))
(base-norm (* head-width norm 0.5))
(bdx (* dy base-norm))
(bdy (* dx base-norm))
(ink (medium-ink stream))
(line-style (medium-line-style stream)))
(draw-line-internal stream 0 0 x1 y1 x2 y2 ink line-style)
(when from-head
(let ((xa (+ x1 ldx)) (ya (+ y1 ldy)))
(with-stack-list (points x1 y1 (+ xa bdx) (- ya bdy) (- xa bdx) (+ ya bdy))
(draw-polygon-internal stream 0 0 points t ink nil))
(setq x1 xa y1 ya)))
(when to-head
(let ((xa (- x2 ldx)) (ya (- y2 ldy)))
(with-stack-list (points x2 y2 (+ xa bdx) (- ya bdy) (- xa bdx) (+ ya bdy))
(draw-polygon-internal stream 0 0 points t ink nil)
(setq x2 xa y2 ya)))))))))
But what is (with-transformed-arguments ...). It seems that it doesn't work under CLIM 1.0
Ralph Hensel
German National Research Center for Computer Science (GMD-FIT.KI)
P.O. Box 1316, D-5205 Sankt Augustin, Germany fax:+49-2241-14-2889 phone:+49-2241-14-1
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