CLIM mail archive
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 1992 19:36 EDT
From: Bill York <>
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 1992 18:42-0400
From: Scott McKay <>
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 1992 16:09 EDT
From: Rodney Daughtrey <>
Running CLIM 1.1, Genera 8.1.1, it seems that the
left and right mouse button clicks, but *misses* mouse-middle clicks.
The :PRESENTATION-BUTTON-PRESS clause goes through the normal
presentation translator mechanism. What this means is that the
sensitivity for a presentation is controlled by the so-called "identity"
translator, which is the default translator you get for the left mouse
button. You also get right button clicks because the "menu" translator
is applicable whenever "identity"is applicable.
I know this explanation is probably not very satisfying, but I don't
really know what to do about it.
Evaluating the code below and running (run-test) illustrates the
problem. First click on "Generate A Presentation", and then click on
"Track Mouse". Clicking the mouse-left or mouse-right buttons while
the mouse is over the presentation executes the code in the
:PRESENTATION-BUTTON-PRESS clause, but mouse-middle clicks are passed
on to the :POINTER-BUTTON-PRESS clause.
Am I missing something, or is this a bug? If so, any suggested fixes?
It's a bug. I'm not sure exactly how to fix it, although I think I am
having an idea...
I think that tracking-pointer should (at least with :context-type t)
search for the innermost presentation instead of the innermost
applicable presentation. That way all presentations would highlight
and be clickable regardless of the translators that happen to be
defined. Scott, if you are looking at this, try changing the three
calls to frame-find-innermost-applicable-presentation in
tracking-pointer-internal to calls to (a not-yet-written-but-simple)
function that just hunts down the output record tree to the lowest
presentation under the mouse. What do you think?
Yup, that's exactly what I was going to do.
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