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command completion


I have some problems with command completion

In an earlier version of my program I`ve done something like

(define-application-frame  name ()
  (:panes (...
	   (command-pane :command-menu)
           (:interactor-pane :interactor
  (:command-definer t)))

when I then defined a command like

(define-name-command (com-show-object :name "show object)

I had the possibility to start that command by typing

s<space>o<space><return> in the interactor.

In the relevant version I have multiple command-tables.

I tried two ways
1.) I make the command table of my application inherit all the commands of my command-tables
    by using 
   (define-application-frame  name ()
     (:command-table (ct :inherit-from '(a s d...)))
     (:panes (...))

2.)I add all the menu-items from my command-tables to the relevant command-table
   by using add-menu-item-to-command-table for each command of each command-table

all works fine, except of the completion in my interactor pane.

Have I missed something or do I something wrong?


Rainer Koenig                                   email:
Forschungszentrum Informatik                 
Abtl. Technische Expertensysteme und Robotik
Haid-und-Neu-Strasse 10-14                      Fax : +49-721-9654-309
W - 7500 Karlsruhe 1                            Tel.: +49-721-9654-313


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