CLIM mail archive


Possible bug in Clim 1.1 under Genera 8.1.1

    From: nrb!

    There is a behavior that seems bizarre to me.  

    I use the following code to do output at a specified distance from the left 
    margin (the distance varies from one call to the other).  This works ok.  
    However, when I continue to output characters that should continue past the 
    previous output, it seems that the x-cursor position is wrong: it is set to the 
    position on the first line where line breaking occured, not to the position 
    that follows the last output character.

    (clim:indenting-output (*nanesse-logging-stream* `(,left-margin :character))
	(clim:filling-output (*nanesse-logging-stream*
		       :fill-width `(,(- right-margin left-margin) :character))
		(format *nanesse-logging-stream* "This is a very long string that 
    will probably be broken so as to show what I mean that causes a problem."))))

    (format *nanesse-logging-stream* "This is the rest.")

I don't see why you think "This is the rest." should be filled or
indented, since it is outside the scope of both the INDENTING-OUTPUT

Right now, INDENTING-OUTPUT works by collecting the output of its body
into an output record, and then simply shifting the output to the right
by the specified indentation.  Are you saying that you think that it
should also increment the X cursorpos by the same amount?

    I get this:

    left margin------                                         ---right margin
		    |                                         |
		    V                                         V

		     This is a very long string that will
		     probably be broken so as to show what I
		     mean that causes a problem.          This
		     is the rest.

    I believe it should have been:

    left margin------                                         ---right margin
		    |                                         |
		    V                                         V

		     This is a very long string that will
		     probably be broken so as to show what I
		     mean that causes a problem. This is the

    Moreover, CLIM seems to make mistakes about the right margin that follow from 
    its wrong behavior.  Ie, sometimes I get:

    left margin------                                         ---right margin
		    |                                         |
		    V                                         V

		     This is a very long string that will
		     probably be broken so as to show what I
		     mean that causes a problem.          This is the

    (it goes beyond the right margin)


    Never trust a pretty header: use to reply
    Keunen Vincent                  Network Research Belgium
    R&D, Software Engineer          Parc Industriel des Hauts-Sarts
    tel: +32 41 407282              2e Avenue, 65
    fax: +32 41 481170              BE-4040 Herstal, Belgium
    X400    : /S=keunen/P=nrb/A=rtt/C=be

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