CLIM mail archive
Accept Values pane
Hi - I'm having a problem with an accept-values pane (I think), and I'm
hoping somebody here can help.
I'm trying to use an accept-values pane, whose contents can vary.
Below is code that demonstrates my problem. When I run this, the
accept-values pane (called 'editors) displays some radio boxes which
I can click. If I press the "Next" command button, the old radio boxes
disappear, and new ones are displayed. This is just what I want.
However, if instead of clicking the "Next" button, I click the "Test"
option in the list-pane 'slots, I get sort of a partial prompt for the
new choices, but in the interactor pane instead! If I press return
to that prompt, THEN the 'editors pane displays as I want, with the
new radio boxes.
I get the feeling I'm doing something illegal here, but I can't see what
it is. Any ideas?
(btw, I'm using Allegro CL 4.2.beta.2.0 and CLIM 2.0.beta)
... Rick
Martin Marietta Astronautics
;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Package: CLIM-USER; Base: 10 -*-
(in-package :clim-user)
(clim:define-application-frame xtest ()
((choices :initform '("CHOICE1" "CHOICE2" "CHOICE3")))
(:command-table (xtest :inherit-from (accept-values-pane)))
(:pointer-documentation t)
(editors :accept-values
:displayer ,#'(lambda(f s) (display-editors f s))))
(commands :interactor :height '(5 :line))
(slots list-pane :mode :nonexclusive
:value-changed-callback #'slot-selected :items '("TEST2")))
(vertically ()
(:fill (horizontally () (1/4 slots) (:fill editors)))
(1/5 commands)))))
;; display-editors - accept new stuff in editors pane
(defmethod display-editors (frame stream)
(with-slots (choices) frame
(accept `(subset ,@choices) :stream stream)))
;; NEXT command button - set new choices, then redisplay editor pane
(define-xtest-command (com-next :menu "Next")
(with-slots (choices) *application-frame*
(setf choices '("NEWCHOICE1" "NEWCHOICE2" "NEWCHOICE3"))
(redisplay-frame-pane *application-frame* 'editors :force-p t)))
;; TEST List-pane option - implement same behaviour as NEXT button
(defmethod slot-selected (list-pane items)
;; run the test
(defun testit ()
(clim:run-frame-top-level (clim:make-application-frame 'xtest)))
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