CLIM mail archive
References: <>
Date: Fri, 6 May 94 10:49:07 EDT
From: pchu@BBN.COM
Sender: pchu@BBN.COM
Source-Info: From (or Sender) name not authenticated.
Colin Meldrum writes:
> The code is trivial...
> (define-pane-type :menu-bar (&rest options &key command-table)
> (declare (non-dynamic-extent options))
> (with-keywords-removed (options options '(:command-table))
> `(make-pane 'menu-bar
> ,@options
> :command-table ,(or command-table
> `(frame-command-table frame)))))
Is DEFINE-PANE-TYPE a "standard" CLIM way to define pane
abbreviations? If so, it would give me a way to specify a common pane
appearance used throughout a particular application.
DEFINE-PANE-TYPE is exported from the CLIM package in all CLIM
implementations. You can safely use it.
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