CLIM mail archive


Re: Caching CLIM generated menus?

  Date: Wed, 1 Jun 94 17:51:10 CDT
  Subject: Re: Caching CLIM generated menus?
  Cc: clim@BBN.COM,
  > The Sparc 10 I have generates such menus with 15 to 20 items in about
  > 1 second.  How big are your menus?
  Our longest menus are 15 items long. After mouse-right selection, they
  take 2-3 seconds to appear the first time. If all I do is a lot of
  right selection, the lapse time seems to go down to 1 second. Even
  1 second for these feels slow in this case.
  In some cases the menu gets redisplayed twice (redrawn) adding another
  1/2 second before the user will feel like selecting something that's not
  a moving target, and this happens once out of every 3-5 selections.
  Nothing ever changes in the menu except for the name of the presentation
  object. I could live with a mode where when a command is added the
  menu needs be recomputed.

Yes, our users find this kind of thing extremely annoying.

  > The presentation menus can't really be saved, because there are many
  > things that dynamically change that can affect the contents of the
  > menu.

Things may be dynamic, but are they too dynamic to have nothing worth
caching?  Even doing an equal hash on the menu items might help.

  > You could always define a new mouse-right translator for your own
  > type(s) that simply exposes a previously-generated menu.  Then you
  > have to worry yourself about fixing up the menu if it becomes "stale".
  > (The staleness problem is exactly why CLIM doesn't do this.)
  I'd like to try this:
  could you elaborate on this briefly, how would I grab the first
  menu, I can figure out how to reuse it after that I think. But I have no clue
  how the CLIM menu gets generated at first. Or are you saying I should walk
  down the applicable commands myself and generate something appropriate
  for my application? I'll start with that.


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