CLIM mail archive
REPLAY-OUTPUT-RECORD question -- bitmap editor example
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 1994 11:02 PDT
From: Scott McKay <>
Date: Fri, 1 Jul 1994 11:19-0700
From: Gregory M Anderson <>
Character-Type-Mappings: (1 0 (NIL 0) (:FIX :ITALIC :NORMAL) "CPTFONTI")
Can you tell me if convert-from-relative-to-absolute-coordinates and
output-record-position are working correctly? If they are, what is the
right way to compute an output record's position in order to redisplay
If you have the Symbolics CLIM 2.0/2.1 manual, check out the examples
on page 370.
I have -- and I've tried that code exactly, calling
(map-over-output-record-tree #'(lambda (x) (clim::redisplay x stream)) record)
to implement selected redisplay -- without luck.
The following code captures the essence of the redisplay question. The application
is like a bitmap editor. If you run it the way it is, clicking on a box toggles
the color, but the redisplay doesn't change it's display. If you uncomment
the ;; REMOVE lines in the functions draw-data-navigator-display and
highlite-spot, the redisplay works, but why must the redisplay do so much work
(i.e. take so much time). And why must the redisplay operate on the
output-record-parent instead of the output-record itself?
(By the way, I've tried all sorts of other combinations of redisplay on records
and parents.)
;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: Common-lisp; Package: :USER; Base: 10 -*-
(defpackage :fast-table
(in-package :fast-table)
(defun table (&key (port (clim:find-port)))
((framem (find-frame-manager :port port))
(frame (make-application-frame 'table-frame
:pretty-name "ASAPS Frame"
:frame-manager framem
:height 800
:width 800
(run-frame-top-level frame)))
(define-application-frame table-frame ()
((cache :initform (make-array '(10 40) :initial-element nil)
:accessor cache))
(:command-table (table-frame :inherit-from (accept-values-pane)))
(title-nav :title
:display-string "Data Navigator")
(nav :application
:name :navigation
:display-function 'draw-data-navigator-display
:incremental-redisplay nil ;Supplies outermost updating-output for nav pane
:display-after-commands nil
:scroll-bars :both
:end-of-page-action :scroll
:initial-cursor-visibility :inactive
(pointer :pointer-documentation)
(menu :command-menu))
(:menu-bar nil) ; Suppress menu bar at the top
(vertically ()
(.05 title-nav) ;(:compute title-nav)
(:fill nav)
(.05 menu) ;(:compute menu)
(.04 pointer) ;(:compute pointer)
(define-table-frame-command (com-exit-table-frame
:menu "Exit"
:name "Exit table formatter")
(frame-exit *application-frame*)
(defclass spot ()
((beam :initarg :beam)
(ping :initarg :ping)
:initarg :x-scaled)
:initarg :x-size)
:initarg :y-scaled)
:initarg :y-size)
:initarg :color
:accessor color)
:initform nil
:accessor output-record)
(defclass data-navigator-view (textual-view) ())
(defparameter +data-navigator-view+ (make-instance 'data-navigator-view))
(defvar *standard-gray*
(defmethod draw-data-navigator-display ((frame table-frame) stream)
(updating-output (stream)
(with-translation (stream 20 20)
(stream-set-cursor-position stream 0 0)
(loop with cache = (cache frame)
for sector from 0 below (elt (array-dimensions cache) 0)
with y-size = 10
for y-scaled = (* sector y-size)
(loop for beam from 0 below (elt (array-dimensions cache) 1)
with x-size = 10
for x-scaled = (* beam x-size)
for spot = (if (aref cache sector beam)
(aref cache sector beam)
(setf (aref cache sector beam)
(make-instance 'spot :beam beam :ping sector
:x-scaled x-scaled :y-scaled y-scaled
:x-size x-size :y-size y-size :color *standard-gray*)))
(setf (output-record spot)
(updating-output (stream :unique-id spot :cache-value (color spot))
(present spot (type-of spot)
:stream stream :view +data-navigator-view+))
(define-table-frame-command (highlite-spot :name "Show")
((spot 'spot) (stream 'application-pane))
(if (eq (color spot) *standard-gray*)
(setf (color spot) +red+)
(setf (color spot) *standard-gray*))
(multiple-value-bind (x-offset y-offset)
stream (output-record-parent (output-record spot)))
(with-translation (stream x-offset y-offset)
;; REMOVE (output-record-parent
(output-record spot)
)) )
(define-presentation-to-command-translator highlite-spot
(spot highlite-spot table-frame
:gesture :select
:pointer-documentation ((stream object)
(format-loc stream (if (typep object 'Spot) "Open" "Show") object))
(object window)
`(,object ,window))
(define-presentation-method present
(spot (type spot) stream
(view data-navigator-view) &key)
(with-slots (x-scaled x-size y-scaled y-size color) spot
(let ((adj (if (eq color *standard-gray*) -1 0)))
(draw-rectangle* stream x-scaled y-scaled (+ x-scaled x-size adj) (+ y-scaled y-size adj)
:filled t :ink color)
(defmethod format-loc (stream string (object spot))
(with-slots (x-scaled y-scaled beam ping) object
(format stream "~:(~A (beam ~d ping ~d) ~A ~A~)" string (1+ beam) (1+ ping)
(second (assoc (color object) `((,+red+ "red") (,+green+ "green"))))
(type-of object))))
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