CLIM mail archive


Re: Controlling TOGGLE-BUTTON type in a VIEW

>From: Scott McKay <>
>Date: Tue, 19 Jul 94 17:57:49 EDT
>Subject: Controlling TOGGLE-BUTTON type in a VIEW
>   Date:     Fri, 1 Jul 94 12:03:14 EDT
>   From: Nichael Cramer <ncramer@BBN.COM>
>   My question has to do with using the :VIEW option (for example when using
>   ACCEPT).  Is there any way to pass in/override the TOGGLE-BUTTON-type when
>   I specify the view?
>There is not presently any way to do this, although it's actually a
>pretty nice idea.  

Thanks.   ;-)

> ... It turns out that in some ports, the button classes
>and radio/check boxes have a pretty incestuous relationship.  

Yeah, if I remember right the error was something like an ECASE failing
because the thing I was passing in wasn't of type TOGGLE-BUTTON or STRING.

>  ...  This,
>combined with the fact that there are some places where CLIM didn't
>quite get the low-level details just right, makes it hard to do this.
>On to my back-burner...


My current work-around are my own, cheapo radio-boxes but, well, you


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