CLIM mail archive
Re: Bad table/border interaction
>From: Bob Rogers <>
> When I try to surround individual rows of tables produced by
>formatting-table with borders, the border rectangles (or underlining
>or whatever) all appear on top of each other on the first line of the
>table. (Trying to surround individual cells or sets of rows both seem
>to fail in the identical way.) Apparently, the
>clim-internals::border-output-record doesn't realize that the rows get
>moved. Does anybody have a fix or workaround for this? I am running
>Genera CLIM 2.1; does this work any better in other CLIM
> -- Bob Rogers
Here is code that produces table rules. SWM sent me this code in response to
a similar query last year. (Caveat: I was working with Clim 1 at the time and
couldn't use this code. We ended up finding a different solution so I've
never actually tested this.)
Adam Carlson
SWM> The following code adds rules to a table once the table has been
SWM> formatted. You can add horizontal or vertical rules separately; the
SWM> format of :HORIZONTAL and :VERTICAL args is a list of row or column
SWM> numbers before which a rule gets added. :RULE-DRAWER and
SWM> :RULE-DRAWING-OPTIONS are self-explanatory.
SWM> There is a little calendar example at the end.
SWM> Note that this only works in CLIM 2.0.
-------- cut here --------
(in-package :clim-internals)
;; Hack to draw rules in tables.
;;--- Note that this doesn't interact at all with incremental redisplay, so
;;--- if you need to redisplay table rules you'll need to do it yourself.
(defmethod draw-table-rules ((table standard-table-output-record) stream
&key vertical horizontal
(rule-drawer #'draw-line*) rule-drawing-options)
(let* ((nrows 0)
(ncols nil)
(cells 0)
(row-table-p (row-table-p table))
(table-mapper (if row-table-p #'map-over-table-rows #'map-over-table-columns)))
(labels ((count-rows (row)
(incf nrows)
(setq cells 0)
(map-over-row-cells #'count-cells row)
(cond ((null ncols)
(setq ncols cells))
(maxf ncols cells))))
(count-cells (cell)
(assert (cell-output-record-p cell))
(incf cells)))
(declare (dynamic-extent #'count-rows #'count-cells))
(funcall table-mapper #'count-rows table))
(when (or (null ncols) (= ncols 0))
(return-from draw-table-rules))
;; In a column table, we track widths across the columns and heights
;; within the column, so we swap the "row" and cell count
(unless row-table-p
(rotatef nrows ncols))
(with-stack-array (cell-heights nrows :initial-element 0)
(declare (type simple-vector row-array))
(with-stack-array (cell-widths ncols :initial-element 0)
(declare (type simple-vector column-array))
(let ((row-n 0))
(funcall table-mapper
#'(lambda (row)
(let ((col-n 0))
#'(lambda (cell)
(multiple-value-bind (width height)
(bounding-rectangle-size cell)
;; "...a column is just a row tilted on its end."
(cond (row-table-p
(maxf (svref cell-widths col-n) width)
(maxf (svref cell-heights row-n) height))
(maxf (svref cell-widths row-n) width)
(maxf (svref cell-heights col-n) height))))
(incf col-n))
(incf row-n))
(flet ((draw-rules ()
(multiple-value-bind (initial-x initial-y)
(output-record-position table)
(multiple-value-bind (xoff yoff)
stream (output-record-parent table))
(translate-coordinates xoff yoff initial-x initial-y))
(let* ((final-x
(+ initial-x (bounding-rectangle-width table)))
(+ initial-y (bounding-rectangle-height table)))
(x-spacing (slot-value table 'x-spacing))
(y-spacing (slot-value table 'y-spacing))
(half-x-spacing (floor x-spacing 2))
(half-y-spacing (floor y-spacing 2))
(floor (line-style-thickness (medium-line-style stream)) 2)))
(when vertical
(let ((x initial-x)
(sy (- initial-y half-y-spacing half-thickness))
(ey (+ final-y half-y-spacing half-thickness)))
(do ((col 0 (1+ col)))
((> col ncols))
(when (member col vertical)
(funcall rule-drawer
stream (- x half-x-spacing) sy (- x half-x-spacing) ey))
(unless (= col ncols)
(incf x (+ (svref cell-widths col) x-spacing))))))
(when horizontal
(let ((y initial-y)
(sx (- initial-x half-x-spacing half-thickness))
(ex (+ final-x half-x-spacing half-thickness)))
(do ((row 0 (1+ row)))
((> row nrows))
(when (member row horizontal)
(funcall rule-drawer
stream sx (- y half-y-spacing) ex (- y half-y-spacing)))
(unless (= row nrows)
(incf y (+ (svref cell-heights row) y-spacing))))))))))
(declare (dynamic-extent #'draw-rules))
(apply #'invoke-with-drawing-options
stream #'draw-rules rule-drawing-options))))))
;;; Silly "calendar" example
(in-package :clim-user)
(defvar *days-of-the-week* (vector "Sun" "Mon" "Tue" "Wed" "Thu" "Fri" "Sat"))
(defvar *month-lengths* (vector 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31))
(defun days-in-month (month year)
(if (= month 2)
(if (zerop (mod year 4))
(if (zerop (mod year 400)) 28 29)
(svref *month-lengths* (1- month))))
(defun display-calendar (month year &key (stream *standard-output*))
(let ((days-in-month (days-in-month month year)))
(multiple-value-bind (nil nil nil nil nil nil start-day)
(decode-universal-time (encode-universal-time 0 0 0 1 month year))
(setq start-day (mod (+ start-day 1) 7))
(let* ((nrows 0)
(formatting-table (stream :x-spacing " " :y-spacing 6)
(formatting-row (stream)
(dotimes (d 7)
(formatting-cell (stream :align-x :center)
(with-text-face (stream :italic)
(write-string (svref *days-of-the-week* (mod d 7)) stream)))))
(do ((date 1)
(first-week t nil))
((> date days-in-month))
(incf nrows)
(formatting-row (stream)
(dotimes (d 7)
(formatting-cell (stream :align-x :right)
(when (and (<= date days-in-month)
(or (not first-week) (>= d start-day)))
(format stream "~D" date)
(incf date)))))))))
(draw-table-rules calendar stream
:vertical '(0 7) :horizontal (list 0 (1+ nrows))
:rule-drawing-options '(:line-thickness 2))
(draw-table-rules calendar stream
:vertical '(1 2 3 4 5 6) :horizontal '(1 2 3 4 5))))))
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