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clue instalation

I'm trying to install clue + clio packages, and I had several problems; can
anyone tell me what I did wrong ?
        First I took the file pcl+clx.sept92f.clisp.tar.z, and installed pcl and
    clx, without problems. Then I took the file clue+clio.for-pcl.tar.Z
(always from ma2s2.mathematik.uni-karlsruhe.de:/pub/lisp/clisp/packages).
Because I've got problems with the disk space, I deleted the sources of pcl,
but I still have sources of clx.
        When I tried to compile clue, I had a lot of problems (for example,
it doesn't compile a "defparameter").
        What I want to know is:
                - Have I got the corrects files ?
                - Do I need every source file at the time to compile clue?
                - What another thing could I make wrong ?

        I hope someone can help me. Thanks in advance.

Alvaro Ortigosa