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can't compile CLISP on a DecStation 5000

I am having the following problem compiling the latest version of CLISP
on my DecStation 5000. Does anyone know what is causing the following

------------------------- cut here ----------------------------------
(echo "# 1 \"spvw.i\"" ; cc -E -O -DNO_MULTIMAP_SHM -USINGLE_PASS_COMPILER spvw.c | ./mergestrings) > spvw.i
cpp: warning /usr/include/stdlib.h:64: NULL redefined
cpp: error lispbibl.d:2326: syntax error
cpp: error lispbibl.d:2509: syntax error
cpp: error lispbibl.d:2514: syntax error
cpp: error lispbibl.d:2519: syntax error
cpp: error lispbibl.d:2524: syntax error
cpp: error lispbibl.d:2529: syntax error
cpp: error lispbibl.d:2534: syntax error
cpp: error lispbibl.d:2540: syntax error
cpp: error lispbibl.d:3199: syntax error
cpp: error lispbibl.d:3247: syntax error
cpp: error lispbibl.d:3344: syntax error
cpp: error spvw.d:2395: syntax error
cpp: error spvw.d:7616: missing endif
cc -O -DNO_MULTIMAP_SHM -c spvw.i
ccom: Error: lispbibl.d, line 2325: syntax error
       (((8)==8)||((8)==16)||((8)==32)||((8)==32)) && ( (0xEF000000 >> 24) == (1<<(8))-1))
ccom: Error: lispbibl.d, line 3159: syntax error
                       object car; }
ccom: Error: lispbibl.d, line 3161: redeclaration of cons_
      typedef cons_ *  Cons;
ccom: Error: lispbibl.d, line 3161: syntax error
      typedef cons_ *  Cons;
ccom: Error: lispbibl.d, line 3197: syntax error
        ((24) / (8))==  ((24+8) / (8)))
ccom: Error: endif, line 3: syntax error
      typedef struct {                 union { object _GCself;
uintB flags[sizeof(object)];                      } header;

ccom: Error: endif, line 9: syntax error
ccom: Error: endif, line 11: redeclaration of symbol_
      typedef symbol_ *  Symbol;
ccom: Error: endif, line 11: syntax error
      typedef symbol_ *  Symbol;
ccom: Error: lispbibl.d, line 3343: syntax error
ccom: Error: lispbibl.d, line 3499: syntax error
      typedef struct {                 union { object _GCself;
uintB flags[sizeof(object)];                      } header;

ccom: Error: lispbibl.d, line 3502: syntax error
ccom: Error: lispbibl.d, line 3504: redeclaration of bignum_
      typedef bignum_ *  Bignum;
ccom: Error: lispbibl.d, line 3504: syntax error
      typedef bignum_ *  Bignum;
ccom: Error: constsym.d, line 32: syntax error
             symbol_ S_nil;
(ccom): constsym.d, line 32: cannot recover from earlier errors: goodbye!
             symbol_ S_nil;
*** Error code 1


------------------- end of gratuitous error messages -------------------
Len Wanger