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Re: New CLISP version

	Hi there. I am compiling clisp on an SGI Indigo running IRIX
4.0.5F. I am having problems compiling your latest clisp. here is the

lisparit0.d:19231: warning: integer overflow in expression
lisparit0.d:19231: warning: statement with no effect
lisparit0.d:19231: warning: statement with no effect
lisparit0.d:19234: warning: address of register variable `ziffern' requested
libmld--as0: Error: lisparit0.d, line 20723: cannot write cur table

	I am using gcc 2.4.5 . Thanks for your help.

Reginald S. Perry -- University of Washington, Department of Physics FM-15
                     Seattle, Washington 98195
reggie@muon.phys.washington.edu     (General-Mail) 
reggie@u.washington.edu             (General-Mail) 
reggie@quantum.phys.washington.edu  (NeXTMail)